Add Metadata tab to the Lightroom Develop Module also. This would be awesome for the photojournalist, like myself, to be able to tone photo, caption it and send it to ftp, all in one window.
This would also make my life easier. Sometimes with wildlife photography, the subject is small, which is especially true for birds. It is typically during development that I figure out the species. Alternately, I may notice a particular behavior during development that I want to tag.
Especially with the new face recognition feature, this would be very very helpful. Otherwise, if you want to check if all faces in a picture have been recognized, and which faces are set as keywords for that picture, you have to jump back to library module. This breaks my work flow every time.
I terribly miss the functionality to display keywords which have been assigned to a certain picture (for instance face recognition keywords) directly in the development module.
Right now,
using the grid view in the library module to accept or modify recognized
faces works well (except when doing it in "all pictures" view which is
TERRIBLY slow). But - to check out if ALL faces have been found in a
certain picture you have to enlargen each single picture, or at least
click on it and check out the keyword assignment list on the right side
of the screen. This is very very time-consuming and unnerving.
When you develop your
pictures, you display them full-screen anyway, so it would be very
helpful to be able to control keyword assignments directly in the
development module. For instance, display assigned keywords in that loupe info overlay... this should be fast and easy to implement (best with a correspoing option for those who don't want this).
Oh my... my first post here was two years ago. Did someone say Adobe listen to its customers? 🙂 OK, they can't satisfy every request. But I am pleased to see this one being more popular right now. I keep my fingers crossed.
We tag hundreds of images per day. The evolution of the tagging process ferments during the edit. Currently we have to leave the develop module to update our thoughts and get right back in. It would be ace if we could add the keywords using the same hot keys in the develop module. Or, something amazing that you developer types can come up with.
The Any Tag plugin lets you add keywords in any module, including Develop. It's designed for fast entry of multi-word keywords using the keyboard rather than the mouse.
It would be great when you are adjusting an image, that you could bring up via a shortcut the keyword dialog box to add another keyword just to that image.
Adobe should license Aperture from Apple and incorporate its UI principles, including the floating adjustment palette and NO MODES. Modes are stupid and pointless and poor workflow. I should be able to do any activity from one place in the program, not have to move around with a changing UI to accomplish different things.
Let's put the rose-tinted spectacles away - Aperture was a fiddly mess.
Lightroom's dedicated workspaces are designed to encourage a more orderly, efficient workflow, doing metadata entry and then progressing to adjustments - not flitting back and forth between keywording and adjusting. Of course, you can ask for it to be different, but that's the underlying principle.
Agreed. Aperture was a mess, which is why it went the way of the Dodo bird.
However, I would love to have both the Library AND the Develop modules open in different monitors at the same time, and be able to add Keywords at any point in my workflow.
You can use the Any Tag plugin to add keywords in Develop (or any other module). It's designed for fast entry of hierarchical keywords from a controlled vocabulary using the keyboard.
For those looking to view notes and other things (since there's no way to tell if notes or other info exist from the Develop module once they are entered in the Library), you can use the View > View Options menu option to choose what you want to display, then select the 'info 1 or 2' you want using the View > Loupe Info menu option. The shortcut key is Ctrl (or CMD) + I to show/hide. You still have to go to the Library to enter notes, which is ridiculous, but at least it's something.
Having said that there should be a MetaData panel in the Develop module, and a way to determine (say, from the filmstrip) if there was a note associated with the photo. Not sure what most photographers do, but for me, I never enter notes about a photo on import...I have to see the photo and process it to make notes about it. For example: info on where I left off with processing, detailed description of where the photo was taken, detailed description of what I need to do when I return to photograph this spot, description of animal behavior during the time of the shoot, information about the location for a return visit such as operating hours or pricing, information not recorded about this photo from the camera, like what type of filter(s) I was using, etc. There's lots and lots of reasons why photographers would want to enter notes for a photo in the Develop module. Make it so!!
I would like to add my voice to this and urge Adobe to either add metadata & keyword edit to dev mode or simply merge the 2 editing modes, to me keywords & meta data is editing. The workflow for many is very dysfunctional switching between 2 even using nav shortcuts is 2 keys too many, should be always the “one click” GUI design principle.
Having two modes is frankly just stupid and counterproductive. It forces the user to remember which functions must be done in which mode and actively prevents discoverability. Even basic things like renaming a file require either memorizing a keyboard shortcut or changing modules. Its a HUGE frustration for me that I have to switch back and forth- I only ever use Develop and Library and want to do EVERYTHING in one mode.
I need to rate multiple images via Keayboard, that I select in develop module. It seems illogical, that this behaviour works in grid, but not in any of the filmstrip modes (develop and loupe). My workflow would be much faster this way. At the moment I have to select multiple. Then go back to grid or switch on auto-sync, rate and then go back to develop view. That's three clicks and some thinking instead of one click and no thinking.
Rikk Flohr: You merged my original question into this topic. I believe that is not really a fitting merge, as I am not looking for complete metadata functionality in develope/loupe-view. I am not interested in keywords or the like.
What I would need already works for single images - I would only like to have a modifier key to rate multiple.
If you leave the Library module's Auto Sync on, it'll work the way you want. Alternatively right-click on the filmstrip thumbnails will let you assign to multiple at once.
_______________________________________________ Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.