I want to cull and edit photos in a temporary working catalog before adding them to my main catalog/s. Unfortunately, the auto import features is either enabled or disabled. I'd really like to only auto-import into one catalog. I have a "drop folder" setup that automatically retrieves images from my phone, which automatically syncs to OneDrive, and I also drag-and-drop images from my cameras to the monitored folder.
If I remove the target import folder from the non-temporary catalog, Lightroom adds it back automatically without a prompt. Another option would be to have the option to share/sync a folder between catalogs.
I've done some testing and you have to manuall refresh metadata to see changes made within another catalog. This gets pretty messy if you forget to do this and edit the same photo in both catalogs. I'm pretty sure others would benefit from such a folder. Another use case was would be a portfolio catalog that contained designated photos from all your catalogs.