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P: Book Module: Photo Text horizontal offset

Participant ,
Jan 07, 2022 Jan 07, 2022

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I have made a number of photo books using Lightroom's Book module, featuring mostly my own photographs. More recently, I am working on magazines and photobooks that showscase images made by different photographers, using different cameras and lenses. 


To this effect, I use the Book module's photo text feature to pull metadata automatically from a given picture, to display, information like who took it, with which camera and lense, at what focal length, etc. For photos that span the entire width of the page, it looks good. However, for photos that are not full bleed, the photo text is flush the respective photo border.


To my eye, this doesn't look good and it's not really usable. I am aware that the vertical offset can be adjusted, but what about the horizontal offset for the photo text, to control the horizontal distance from the left or the right, depending on the text alignment?


I am attaching a screenshot to show the issue. In the main issue, notice the photo text with the metadata touching the right margin of the photo. I have not been able to find a way to space it out a bit. Even if editing the text, adding spaces doesn't actually do anything. I can't even add tabs in there to create extra space from the margin. 


So any chances that horizontal offset can be added to have flexibility in such scenarios?



Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Participant , Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022

So I have found an answer and solution to my question. What I described as photo text horizontal offset exists already in the book module in the form of cell padding. It is not very intuitive, but if you make sure to select the Photo Text cell and then go to the Cell panel, you will be able to adjust Left and Right padding of the text only to allow for the breathing room needed from the edge of the photo. 


Before posting my original question here, I did attempt to adjust the padding in various w




Participant ,
Jan 18, 2022 Jan 18, 2022

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I would even settle for the ability to manually adding spaces inside the custom Photo Text dialog box. Right now, although you can add spaces, those spaces are simply ignored when rendering the actual text in the page. So no matter how many spaces you add in the custom Photo Text dialog box, they will be ignored.


If they were to NOT be ignored, then this would simply be an easy fix to the issue described above.





Participant ,
Jan 20, 2022 Jan 20, 2022

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So I have found an answer and solution to my question. What I described as photo text horizontal offset exists already in the book module in the form of cell padding. It is not very intuitive, but if you make sure to select the Photo Text cell and then go to the Cell panel, you will be able to adjust Left and Right padding of the text only to allow for the breathing room needed from the edge of the photo. 


Before posting my original question here, I did attempt to adjust the padding in various ways, but it only adjusted the padding for the photo, not the photo text, because I was clicking/selecting on the photo cell and not the photo text cell. Similarly, all my attempts at dragging the padding (as it is possible for a photo), involved dragging from the photo cell borders, which would only affect the photo. The photo text would remain flush with the edge or even outside the edge, depending on whether the Align with Photo checkbok was checked or not. 


The confusing part of this feature is that vertical and horizontal distance and padding are controlled from two different place. To adjust the horizontal padding of the photo text from the margin of the photo, you use the Left/Right padding in the Cell panel (Top and Bottom slider are disabled when the photo text cell is selected), and to control the vertical padding or position of the photo text relative to the photo, you need to use the Offset slider in the Text panel. So two sliders in two different panels to control the position of the photo text relative to the photo it belongs to. 


However, I believe the greatest confusion stems from the fact that the position of the photo text can be adjusted vertically (when the photo text is set to Over) by dragging from the top or bottom edges of the photo text cell, but horizontally it is not possible to drag from the left or right edges of the photo text cell. This confusion is further accentuated by the fact that regular text cells (photo description cells) do work as expected - size AND padding can be adjusted in all directions by dragging from the edges of the cell. 


So between the inconsistency of being able to drag the photo text vertically but not horizontally and the fact that the horizontal and vertical position of the photo text is controlled by different sliders in different panels with different labels (offset vs. padding), I believe there is room for the user experience to be improved in this regard.




