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P: Crop sync option equivalent to layer alignments in Photoshop

New Here ,
Jul 31, 2024 Jul 31, 2024

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I am a wildlife photographer and I tend to end up with long series of the subject which I slightly different in pose of the main subject but the background is largerly the same. Well, no, not the same. Because, if those photos were made handheld, which they very frequently are, the whole backgrounds are shifted in directions.


What I do now - I manually edit one photo and crop it to fit the composition requirements, then sync it across the series, then >>> go and move the cropping window for other photos to match the original composition <<<. At this point I'll review the result and throw to the trash 90% of images. The rest 10% require more tuning. I may tend to apply fine tuning of the cropping again, for the serries to not look as obviously handheld [as it really was], matching original photo more.


The first round of crop matching is heavy because of many images.

The second round of crop matching is heavy because of complicated fine tunings, which lightroom is not helping much right now.


Sync Crop implemented in a way of Layer Alignment feature across multiple images would help saving a lot of work on both stages.


Composition of the final image depend on both background part of the image and the subject (its pose, its looking direction, etc.). When you are shooting at 15fps for several seconds the choice of composition based on background may be dominating factor for large parts of the series.


As far as I can tell, layers alignment is more based on background alignment, rather than subject minor movement. And that is what the request is focusing on.


There is another feature request: this one. It is more focused on subject movement for crop synchronization. I tend to believe that subject moving across the scene will bring more considerations on cropping to integrate background chnage into a composition. Thus, would be less useful [unless ML can be taught to do it magically right]. FIrst round of crop matching might be simplified to some extent, but fine tuning will definitely stay in place.

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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