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P: (Masking) AI Mask copy/paste: separate the mask-outline from the mask-effect settings

Explorer ,
May 11, 2023 May 11, 2023

I'm now using AI Masks (especially the SUBJECT mask) a *ton*... they are great!   In particular, I'm using these for sports photography where I'm shooting lots of bursts in the sun .. and need to dim the bakcground while making the subject brighter.


When you use these a ton, it's very expensive for the AI to have to re-evaluate the edges of the mask ... it takes time and battery ... but there's lots of situations where you want to adjust the brightness/white-balance of the subject and then copy/paste it to a whole bunch of other photos... without needing to re-evaluate the mask edges.


THE IDEA:  on copy/paste of develop settings, separate the mask edges from the mask settings, like this:

[x]  Masking
       [x]  Mask 1 - settings (brightness, etc.)

       [  ]  Mask 1 - update AI-derived edges

       [x]  Mask 2 (blue sky) - settings (brightness, etc.)
       [  ]  Mask 2 (blue sky) - update AI-derived edges


With the options as above, I could adjust the brightness/contrast of hte first image in a burst and then just paste the change *without waiting for the AI to re-evaluate the mask edges*.  Much faster!  

Idea No status
macOS , Windows
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May 13, 2023 May 13, 2023

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While waiting for Adobe to implement this, you could use the Original AI Masks option of the Copy Settings plugin:

johnrellis_0-1683999105466.pngexpand image


New Here ,
Jul 14, 2023 Jul 14, 2023

When making timelapse movies and editing multipe pictures with the same shot with the same settings, it would be very helpful of the AI mask isn't recomputed when copying settings from one image to others.


I ususally shoot 100-500 images in a series with the same camera settings and apply my edits to the first image. I then copy these settings and apply them to the rest of the batch to get the same edits applied to the entire batch. But when using the Sky masking tool (Or any other AI mask), Lightroom wants to recompute the mask for every image, resulting in unique image masks on every picture. This means I can not apply settings across the entire batch, when using the Sky selection tool.

Therefore it would be extremely helpful if I could either convert the AI selection, to a simple NON-AI mask OR if it was possible to choose in the "Copy Settings" panel if I want to copy the masking method (AI) or if I simply want to copy the selection mask. If this is not possible, the AI filters (Sky, Subject, Background or People) or  can not be used at all for batch editing timelapse photography.

Lightrooom AI mask selection.pngexpand image

Jul 14, 2023 Jul 14, 2023

[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.]


While waiting for Adobe to implement this, you could use the Original AI Masks option of the Copy Settings plugin:

johnrellis_0-1689347842013.pngexpand image




Jul 14, 2023 Jul 14, 2023
New Here ,
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023

I made a long timelapse with a many photos.

Now when I copy settings Lightroom apply AI mask to every single photo every time. But this is timelapse and the camera didn't move.

So I want to apply the mask "as is" without new calculation.


Is it possible?

Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023

No. As far as I know it isn't possible.


My System: Intel i7-8700K - 64GB RAM - NVidia Geforce RTX 3060 - Windows 11 Pro 24H2 -- LR-Classic 14 - Photoshop 26 - Nik Collection 7 - PureRAW 4 - Topaz PhotoAI 3
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023