I've recently moved from a 2018 i7 Mac Mini to and Mac Studio Ultra - suffice to say I've had a bit of a smile seeing how much faster some of the optimisation has made things.
One area that doesn't appear to be optimised is exporting catalogs (specifically, exporting folders as catalogs with smart previews).
This is an area where the Mac Mini was bouncing off the limiter - sounding like it was ready to take off, and you could cook an egg on it, CPU and RAM utilisation was that high.
With the Mac Studio, the export is still painfully slow, and on the last check, CPU utilisation was 8%, and RAM utilisation was circa 20% of what was available (suggesting there is lots of available resource LR isn't optimised to use).
For those of us who use this in their workflow, I'd guarantee it'd be the biggest needle shifter in workflow time compared to any other optimisation.