Lightroom for Linux - is it possible? Most my friends and I need it, because of not using Windows and current Linux tools can't get so great instruments for raw preprocessing and organizing...
I wouldn't create any software dependent on Adobe SDKs. I had some fairly complex javascript programs for Bridge, but gave up when Adobe failed to fix (or even acknowledge) critical bugs for over 5 years in Bridge, although it was working under photoshop. Here is an example: You might want to cut your losses ...
There are a lot of us who are forced to keep on using windows just for using Lightroom. I am a physicist who does computational physics. I have absolutely no need and no time for windows and their updates and all the rubbish that comes along with it. These days it is becoming increasingly difficult to dual boot windows and Linux and I need Linux for my work and basically everything that can be done on a computer runs on Linux other than Photoshop and Lightroom. I absolutely love photography and Lightroom is the most essential tool for me and a lot of others. It would be wonderful to have Lightroom for Linux!
I can use my laptop or phone for most operations and lightroom CC is awesome on both, cant wait for further updates but no linux support is heart breaking. I have linux on my desktop and would love the ease of use to edit my photos without hooking my laptop up to monitor.
now i made the same test on my MacBook Pro (Late 2011) 16GB RAM running on latest OSX Mojave 10.14.5. Experiencing also tha same issues. CC2019 feels in general more sluggish and with the same jagged panning compared to cc2018. Obviously CC2019 needs more Recources?
For starters I'm using Windows and don't have this issue. I'm replying because I am having a bunch of issues and many of them are not going away. What has happened frequently is a 'preset setting' has been changed (I didn't do it) and often after I close the application. Sometimes I don't where to look for a preset, I'm not happy. Good Luck!
Obviously, there are many performance issues with cc2019. It's a mess because there are several possible reasons and it seems Adobe doesn't know which one is causing the problems.
Turning off the Ruller makes everything smoother.
I'm not on OSX Mojave, so I'm not sure if the other solutions mentioned in the threads are concerning my setup.
Still trying to work with cc2019 but probably going back to cc2018 soon.
Yes! Thank you Jeffery. I don't have that problem, but others as you may have read. Most are not fixed. Some seem to be related to presets, discovered by reading this forum, but when PS signed out and then back in the presets are gone, meaning I have to start from scratch. I'm not expecting any assistance in this posting, but I wanted you and others to know that this "Family" is a good place to discover answers and new things. I get distracted with all the advice. Good Luck!
Pretty big deal for a lot of people using Lightroom. Far more important I would think than a lot of the "tweeks" that are currently getting added. Please consider!
Kde has label and keywords feature in all environment. brfs format stores it eficient and securely. Zfs beats all ideas a mac/win user can have over a filesystem. This is cause i switched completely to freeBSD. memory caching, log caching, data caching, 1 nvme and 32G ram speed up all transactions to 100-500% (it depends is the storage volume is a raid-ssd or single Hdd, of course)
Lightroom replacements: darktable, rawtherapee, darklight... for batch processing imagemagick beats all know software and is integrated completely in the system. PS: Krita. Gimp is still crazy module GUI with thousand of panels flying like bees. Premiere: Davinci AE: Davinci, and blender illustrator: Krita, Inkscape
Maya, Openshot, kdenlive... a lot of really powerful software
tools for compress: the google algorithm Gueztli + mozpjeg can compress a 100% qual jpg sized in 1M to a 300kb image without any visual lossless.
Advanced users: I reccomend FreeBDS with root in zfs and own compiled kernel. I love Debian too. Occasional users: Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse, (formatted with LVM or zfs) noobs: Ubuntu studio, Fedora design suite, Mint or manjaro
Adobe don't loose the train! Forget macintosh, is falling in the ios abysm. Microsoft, nvidia, intel and GNU-Linux/BSD are alling at last!
The OS usage percentages are normally obtained from internet login data, not sales so I think the 2% is probably close. The relatively few people I know that use Linux want free software anyway so that is an additional reason for Adobe to not support Linux.
I mean the reality of the problem is that adobe's code base is not stable enough to port to a new OS. They can barely get light room to function adequately on PC, porting to linux would be a bad decision on their part sadly.
If you need to edit video, use davinci resolve. It's better and more efficient anyhow.
Photoshop and light room have a wide number of alternatives. Might want to petition luminar for Linux support instead, they'll also be releasing their DAM for luminar soon as well. Serif, the company who makes Affinity would also be a good company to ask.
Otoh, if they can get it to compile for macOS, they are halfway there. MacOS is (loosely) based off linux/unix of some kind, and is POSIX compliant. Since any linux disto is also POSIX compliant, the core codebase should cross-compile without much extra effort.
And since the GUI is it's own little framework, that too shouldn't pose too much of a problem.
So indeed, Adobe is just not capable. But mostly unwilling.
Windows has a Linux kernel inside, OS X a fragment of bsd. Both share a lot of resources with linux family.
Win 98 no. Mac OS 9 no. However, adobe has versions of PS since Ppc and dos based 32 bit platforms. Linux is retrocompatible a lot. Adobe no.
I think that soon it will only be ios /wincore compatible. Sorry Thomas Knoll, but I dislike to process image in a “aleatory-key based” 2 year obsolete 7” screen.
Bye, I’m going to call a friend by smart TV 32” XD
A lot of my LrControl plug-in customers are also complaining about this. I want to help them, but I have to disappoint them. All I can say is maybe Adobe will fix it someday.
Would you pay for Lightroom on Linux? I would! If you would too, please vote.
It would be great if Adobe made Lightroom available on some (any) version of Linux. My wife has been happily using Lightroom on Windows 7, but Windows 7 is no longer supported and from what I've seen Windows 10 has serious issues. There are many high-quality and stable Linux distributions with great user interfaces available today. I suspect that part of the problem is an assumed small user base, with Windows dominating for desktop operating systems. Well with Windows 10 the mess that it is, more people will be looking for options, and Linux just makes sense. Another perception issue is the idea that people who use Linux don't want to pay for software. And that may be true for many Linux users, but Lightroom users are different. Lighroom users are willing to pay for quality software, and that will stay true regardless of what operating system it is running on.
Adobe, people have been asking about this for at least 9 years now. The recent end of Windows 7, along with the maturity of many of the Linux distributions, makes now a great time to make this happen.