Lightroom for Linux - is it possible? Most my friends and I need it, because of not using Windows and current Linux tools can't get so great instruments for raw preprocessing and organizing...
I now usethe mac version. Being a Unix user, it was the best solution for me. However the evolution of Mac OS X toward a closed environment strictly controlled by the hardware vendor does not please me at all. So my next machine has few chances of being a mac, nor a windows.
Should I wait for a linux version of lightroom, or should I buy Bibble instead of lightroom 4, in order to be able to work on linux ?
Now that adobe decided to not support windows xp, for lightroom 4, there are a lot of users out there who detest vista and windows 7, who would rather run linux than windows 7. So please please give us linux support.
Windows 7 is awful.
It should not be much of a port, from OS X, to linux.
Would love to have LR on Linux, would order it immediately if it worked on the OS of my choice. Currently the Corel's ASP seems to be the only viable solution.
@Erwan, sadely Bibble is nowhere close to Lightroom from a usability point of view. I have tried the demo version 3 times now, I don't feel well when using it. I do prefer Darktable on Linux over Bibble.
But I do prefer Lightroom, so that's why I'am asking and askin again Adobe to consider this platform!
I also want to support this idea! After condemnable death of Lightzone, I'm looking to buy good RAW software for linux. I;ve tested Corel AfterShot trial (big +++ for linux version!), but Lightroom4 suits me much more. Unfortunately it is not too comfortable to run lightroom on VirtualBox (i haven't tested lightroom in wine yet) and i prefer to have native linux software with support when paying more than $130...
C'mon Adobe, Corel has published Linux version, why do not you?
First of all, let me disappoint you - I don't think you can run LR in wine - I did give it a try with the beta of Crossover 11, and I couldn't make it work.
Second, and to make fair comparisons between Corel and Adobe, Corel bought a company (Bibble Labs) that already had a product to run on all three platforms.
Don't reject ASP without:
1. Waiting for the maintenance release that is due this month
2. Getting hold of a copy of AFX's Bibble Survival Guide, most of which is directly transferable to ASP
Don't hold your breath! Adobe seems to have a problem with Linux... Management problem could well be the cause!
Sad but true, I've lost any hope... And I'm a paying customer since years!
I'm looking forward to Darktable on Linux at some point I'm sure a module to convert part of xmp from Lightroom to Darktable will be created. I'm ready to support a regression of some feature as I cannot stand having to install, update and maintain a partition just for Windows!
Darktable is good, Photivo is good, but Lightroom is perfect ... I want this tool on Linux !!
I think that more and more people are using Linux, and it could be interesting for Adobe to port Lightroom on it.
It's sad, but many people are staying on windows for using Lightroom only, even if they have already tried Linux !
This would so totally get my vote. I have been wanting this on Linux for a long time now since I'm trying to transition everything to Linux. Besides being a photographer, I'm also a PC consultant and technician. I have been transitioning many of my clients to Linux, some of which are photographers. I'm a member of several organizations and groups and would fully promote this if it could be done.
I tried to look into getting Lightroom running via Wine at one point and ran into enough bugs (both cosmetic and functional) that I haven't gone back to revisit that effort.
That said, while I'm not on the Lightroom team directly anymore, I am the maintainer of a Lua development environment (used by the Lightroom team) that is built on the same core frameworks as Lightroom itself and I've been sorely tempted to port that to Linux, which could provide a decent toehold for bootstrapping a native port of Lightroom itself... here's hoping I can find some time to throw at it.
I actually originally meant "find some personal time", so I wouldn't be able to release the source to anybody outside (or get funding for help, etc), but that's an interesting offer I hadn't expected...
It would be great, if Adobe finally would recognize and respect the demand of many Linux users. I'm using Linux (Ubuntu) at work and at home. It would be so nice, if I have not to reboot my dual boot machine to Windows 7 for sorting and editing my raw files. Please, Adobe please! For me it would be a big step to remove windows completely.
Which makes it 13th on the most popular list. Given that we seem to get at most a few of the most-requested features each cycle, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Question: Do we get more market share if a user who owns already a windows lightroom version is switching to a linux lightroom version?
Answer: NO
Question: Do we get more market share if a none lightroom user is buying a linux version instead of a windows or mac version?
Answer: NO
Question: Do we lose market share if a user who owns already a windows lightroom version is switching to a competitor because we do not offer lightroom for linux
Answer: YES
Question: Do we lose market share if a none lightroom user is buying a competitor product because we do not offer lightroom for linux
Answer: YES
So what do you think will adobe make develop a lightroom version for linux?
I am also a happy lightroom user on mac and it would make me happier to see lightroom on linux, but I don't think that adobe has any interest in switching a lightroom user from one platform to another.
But we shouldn't stop expressing ourselves... recently Linux has been finally recognized by video game industry (Steam for Linux from Valve). So, Lightroom for the linux!!