My workflow:
- Get a starting point for the edit
- Fine tune the settings to make a technically good and neutral version of the image
- Make a virtual copy
- Add a creative look
So far I have used the auto setting to get a starting point. Though, the newly introduced adaptive color profile offers a more subtle way to get started. But when I want to add a creative look using one of the color profiles, the adaptive profile is replaced. Currently there is no way to combined the adaptive profile with a creative color profile.
Introduce the possibility to make a "virtual copy" that works just as if you had exported a 16 bit TIF and reimported the file into the catalogue. Then you can add a creative look on top of your basic edit with the adaptive profile.
Why not keep exporting TIFs? Well, it is timeconsuming and file size heavy as you have to make a copy/export of the file which eats HDD space.