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Bring back accesible rating for Lightroom cloud

New Here ,
Dec 28, 2023 Dec 28, 2023

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The hability to scroll trough albums, select a photo, rate, go back to scrolling, compare side by side or between 4 images to see which one was best, was a HUGE functionality that was part of my workflow; It helped me to have a mobile library where I would be able to do my selections whenever and wherever.


Now I have to dig into so many steps just to get to the rating option, then realize that I only have a horizontal carrusel where I have to check one by one has completely broken one of the best features Lightroom had, specially as a LIBRARY where catalogs and rati gs are VITAL. 

I will have to go back to my desktop application to rate and categorize, making lightroom -50% less useful.


Hope this helps as a reference, not sure if this would ever be able to come back, but hope this gets Adobe's attention in some way.



iOS: iPhone , iPadOS






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