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Canon 10D raw files not displaying on Local tab

Explorer ,
Jun 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024

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I'm probably the only one still playing around with a Canon 10D, but since digging this camera out of storage I've found an odd situation in LR on macOS Monterey 12.7.5. If I add a raw file to the cloud, everything works as expected and I can process the file without issue. However, if I click on the Local tab and navigate to a folder containing 10D raw files, I get a message in the viewer area telling me that there are not recognizable image files. How can it work on the cloud side, but not locally?


I've processed these raw files on my Windows 11 system without a hitch. Both cloud side and local side work as expected.


Anybody have any idea why just the local side on my Mac doesn't work? This is totally twisting my mind! Oh, I should probably mention that my Mac is the highest end 15" MacBook Pro from mid-2015 with 16GB of RAM.







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