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Clearing Cloud Storage

New Here ,
Oct 01, 2024 Oct 01, 2024

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Hello, there.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's just me not understanding something. I'm somewhat new to photo editing and started using Lightroom CC without any understanding of how it syncs your work over the Cloud. As someone who is used to saving their work directly to their laptop, I didn't pay any attention to my cloud storage, which has rapidly filled up and I believe this is causing major performance issues for me. I "permanently deleted" a massive amount of RAW photos via Lightroom CC (version 7.5) and the amount of "used storage" hasn't gone down at all. I've looked all over Creative Cloud, and none of the photos are anywhere to be seen outside of Lightroom. My problem is that Lightroom CC won't let me export my photos to my external drive (every time I try, the export loading bar comes up and stays put without ever progressing), and it does the same thing when I try to use the "Edit In Photoshop" feature on individual photos. I'm working on several albums with a solid internet connection and I have plenty of disk space for what I'm doing, but I can't get the photos saved to my computer so I can delete them from the cloud and free up my storage. As I looked into various forums and discussions for a solution to this, I found that this is a bit of a common problem, but I still haven't found a clear solution that wouldn't delete all of the photos and albums that I'm currently working on. What do I need to do to clear my Cloud storage without losing those photos? I appreciate any guidance I can get. I'm not very good with technology, so please note that you may need to explain things to me the way you would to a five year old for best results. 🙂







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