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Hi all,
I have imported a lightroom classic catalog into lightroom (latests version ) succesfully following the instructions from this tutorial :
It worked fine except that after import I do not have my developer changes (such as crops, etc), which makes the import pretty useless because I would have to start over developer work.
The tutorial mentions that developer history is lost, but I thought I'd just get my photos in its finaled "developed" state, not the initial raw one. Can someone confirm if I was mistaken, if I maybe did something wrong or if there is a bug there?
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TBMK The current (in LrC) Develop settings do transfer according to Help articles. I cannot suggest any reason you did not get the 'current edits' unless you 'Imported' files to Lightroom instead of 'Migrating' the catalog.
A more comprehensive article can be found here-
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Okay thanks for the info. So at least I was correct in expecting the latest format.
Maybe one thing that can explain my problem is that I had to create a new catalog to import. I did try to import the original catalog but it failed and then since there is no way to import multiple times I cannot import it any more. When creating a new catalog with my pictures, will it have my develop settings ?
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Sorry I don't have any answers for you. My limited understanding is taken from the article by the Lightroom Queen.
"When creating a new catalog with my pictures, will it have my develop settings ?" If I understand you are talking about a Lightroom-Classic catalog, then- No. a 'new' LrC catalog will not have develop work. The only exceptions to this might be if you saved Metadata to all your files before creating the new catalog, OR you did [Import from another Catalog] which is a different process than simply Importing files.
As for Lightroom (Cloud) -You have no control over a cloud catalog, and everything I have read indicates you cannot 'Migrate' a Lightroom-Classic catalog to Lightroom-Cloud a second time. Although Lightroom Queen suggests you can Migrate multiple LrC catalogs- I doubt that applies to a LrC catalog that you [Import from another Catalog].
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