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Does not sync accross multiple PCs

New Here ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

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Hi! I have fricking annoying issue. I have 3 laptops that I use and would love to use lightroom CC with my photography plan, accessing all devices to the photos as advertised. However, it just does not work.


My thousands of photos in another pc lightroom cc wont sync to other computers lightroom ccs and vice versa. How can I fix this?


All the photos are located in NAS that I importing them from to the catalogs, so all the vomputers have similar access to them.


in old style Classic CC lightroom you just could play with the catalogs files on network drive. Not with this one. 😞


Please help asap 😀







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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

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Your 3 computers (as 'mobile' devices) with Lightroom should be accessing photos you have Imported/Added to your Lightroom Cloud.

After Importing/Adding files to one of the Lightroom installations you photos are stored in the Cloud and all computers (using the same Sign-In) will access the Cloud for the photos. The NAS is no longer part of the Lightroom ecosystem, and the 3 computers are not looking to the NAS for the photos.


Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 13.4, Photoshop 25.11, ACR 16.4, Lightroom 7.4.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 14.1.2, Windows-11.





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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2023 Dec 25, 2023

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Sure it is not part of the ecosystem and that is the problem.


I don't know if I was unclear, I try to mention it one more time that the photos won't sync between devices.


Yes, I have added them to the lightrooms where I need to edit them desktop or on the go on laptops. 🙂 I dont know if it is due to the fact that they may exceed the adobe cloud quota that you apparently cannot buy more than 1TB?


I just can't understand how the adobe makes these SW for pros and some things seems to work as some amateurish SW. Why not use the local NAS when available when the services cannot be made to work with more photos that average kid takes, and also using local networks syncing the images etween devices would same bandwith on cloud side.


The Classic lightroom also inform if the photos are unavailable for some reason (no connection to server etc). I have teras of photos that I just cannot upload to the adobe cloud, and there is even no point.


The cloud thing is noce but it has pretty much f upped the whole ecosystem if you cannot migrate photos from different devices? The system could work pretty nicely as p2p network as well between the devices if designed properly. I kinda wish I could go back to old classic lightroom but I cannot migrate my catalogs back to classic anymore so I'm stuck with new cloud stuff?


Is there any way around migrating these 3 computer catalogs if they do not migrate automatically on cloud?





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