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Download fetching initial previews

Explorer ,
Nov 27, 2023 Nov 27, 2023

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I have just changed my Desktop which is now running Windows 11. Having reinstalled lightroom I downloaded the catalogue and after completion it automatically moved to download "fetching initial prviews". After many hours it was only about a third complete! I do have a lot of photos and the Nikon raw files are quite large. I needed to turn the computer off and when I turn it on and open lightroom it appears to  continue or perhaps start again with the downloading. I cannot see the progress bar so I don't know what is happening. Is there any way to open the progress bar so that I can see what is going on? The downloading appears to stop when the computer automatically goes into sleep so I presume I will need to reset Windows so that it does not shut down after a given time.  Any guidance would be much appreciated. Many thanks







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