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Edits made on Lightroom desktop to lightroom mobile

Explorer ,
Jun 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024

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Hi there,


Most grateful if you could help with a lightroom mobile sync issue - it won't properly sync from my laptop. I have Lightroom CC version 7.4 on a Windows laptop. I have an iPhone 13 with Lightroom mobile . When I add photos to lightroom via the desktop app, these sync across to lightroom mobile, but when I make edits to these photos on my desktop app, the edits don't sync with the mobile app. They used to in the past, and as far as I'm aware I haven't changed any settings. The sync status on both my laptop and mobile says the sync is up to date and backed up.


I also googled a bunch of possible solutions, but none of them seem to work. These include:

  • checking the sync status to ensure there are no photos stuck in the queue (there aren't);
  • pause and resume synching (I can't because it says it has finished synching);
  • ensure graphics processor is enabled (it is set to 'auto' and it appears to be enabled);
  • force sync on the mobile app by leaving and re-entering folders (didn't make a difference);
  • check internet (it's fine);
  • clear cache (I cleared both the laptop and mobile app caches);
  • update apps (they're both up to date)
  • Turn phone off and on again (I did. The blue sync wheel briefly spun but almost immediately said it was fully synched).


There last possible solution was to check if there are problems reported with Adobe's servers (I'm gpoing to assume there aren't?) but that's about it. I'm out of ideas. Most grateful for any assistance.







This is an addendum to the above post. Today, I opened lightroom on my laptop and it has now removed all of the edits on the most recent photo I edited. It did the same on another photo as well, but thankfully when I restarted my laptop the edits to that photo reappeared. But they have not reappeared on the most recent photo I edited. Any ideas?

iOS: iPhone , Windows






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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 05, 2024 Jul 05, 2024

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Hey, @Andy Baines. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. Thanks for sharing the details; I'll help you figure this out.


There could be various reasons for this. Did this start to happen since a recent update of Lightroom or the operating system? Do you have any antivirus that could restrict internet access to Lightroom? Have you tried turning off such programs temporarily as a test?


Please share a screenshot of the Lightroom > Edit > Preferences > Caches screen.

If the Storage location for originals is set in a folder associated with a cloud backup service, like OneDrive, you can turn off the backup and check if that helps stabilize Lightroom's Sync.


Try this:

Log in to Lightroom Web (https://adobe.ly/3uv2zCA) and look for the Sync Issues category near the Deleted section on the left part of the screen & clear them out from the deleted section. Once the sync issues are removed, you can apply minor edits to a few images on Lightroom Desktop & check if they sync up to the cloud.

Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

Sameer K
(Use '@mention' to tag me when you reply)





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