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How to Duplicate or create a Virtual Copy in Lightroom CC?

Community Beginner ,
May 26, 2018 May 26, 2018

I must be missing something obvious. In my Lightroom CC Classic workflow, I frequently create a virtual copy of an image and then make adjustments on the virtual copy. This leaves the original alone and unedited. I've gotten used to that workflow - but now I can't find a way to do the same thing in Lightroom CC. I don't find either a duplicate or a virtual copy menu item - what am I missing?



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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , May 26, 2018 May 26, 2018

If you right-click on an image there is an option to "Make a copy". This will create a copy of the image. It isn't designated in Lightroom CC as a virtual copy. However, I just checked in the linked catalog in Lightroom Classic CC, and it shows as a virtual copy there. In Lightroom CC, both images show in the info column as original and backed up. Not very intuitive, but that seems to be the way it is.

May 26, 2018 May 26, 2018

If you right-click on an image there is an option to "Make a copy". This will create a copy of the image. It isn't designated in Lightroom CC as a virtual copy. However, I just checked in the linked catalog in Lightroom Classic CC, and it shows as a virtual copy there. In Lightroom CC, both images show in the info column as original and backed up. Not very intuitive, but that seems to be the way it is.

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Community Beginner ,
May 26, 2018 May 26, 2018

Thanks for that answer - worked great on the desktop. How does one do the same thing (make a copy of an image) in the iPad and iPhone versions of Lightroom CC?

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May 26, 2018 May 26, 2018

Don't know. I don't use either one. Someone else will have to answer that question.

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Community Expert ,
May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018

Nope, it currently doesn’t unfortunately.

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Community Beginner ,
May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018

OK, thanks. Copy/duplicate seems like such an obvious function that I'm surprised the iOS versions of Lightroom CC don't already have it!

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Community Beginner ,
Aug 05, 2019 Aug 05, 2019

So, virtual copy was renamed to make a copy in CC? Is the same idea but CC tells you have two photos instead an original and a virtual copy?

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Aug 06, 2019 Aug 06, 2019

That's the way it works for me. Lightroom for the cloud is just a little different than Classic. And I'm much more comfortable and familiar with Lightroom Classic then I am Lightroom.

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Community Expert ,
Aug 06, 2019 Aug 06, 2019

It was my understanding that it creates an actual copy, using up extra cloud storage for instance.

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Community Beginner ,
Nov 29, 2019 Nov 29, 2019

Jim, that is correct, however since your post, the most current version of Lightroom CC ver. 3.0 2019 1017 uses the word "Duplicate" rather than "Make a copy", or any other nominclature. If sometimes you don't see the duplicate after creating one, there might be a number on the thumbnail. Double click and LRCC will explode the dupes onto the "filmstrip" at the bottom of view. Hope this is helpful for you and others using Lightroom CC. Btw, I still use both Lightroom Class and CC - each for very different reasons and functionality.

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Community Beginner ,
May 05, 2021 May 05, 2021

In LR CC 2021 a number is only created if the file was edited in PS from LR.  If a picture is duplciated it appears briefly, then disappears. No number is appended. There is no stack.  How does one find the picture and return it to its proper place in the album?


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New Here ,
May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020

Ok how about doing this on Lightroom mobile? On an iPhone?

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Community Expert ,
May 05, 2021 May 05, 2021

Consider using Versions on the phone/tablet in lieu of a duplicate function. 

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Community Beginner ,
Aug 11, 2022 Aug 11, 2022

Keep in mind that in Lightroom CC (non-Classic) it is called Duplicate on purpose (even though most likekly only one RAW copy is stored in cloud, Adobe charges for each duplicate - when you create a duplicate it counts agaist your quota). If it were called Virtual Copy it would be somewhat troublesome to charge for additional space (apart from the applied changes which is <1MB).

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New Here ,
Jun 25, 2023 Jun 25, 2023

So I'm a recent convert from LR6 to LRCC and am having trouble with this. I've been able to make a duplicate, but it will not export the original or the duplicate when I try to export them. any ideas? It keeps giving the error 'this file could not be found'. 

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Community Beginner ,
Jun 26, 2023 Jun 26, 2023

I create multiple duplicates regularly. I have never had this problem. I always change the time stamp of each to differentiate them.  Possibly try that?  It could be that the OS is not letting you Crete identical files simultaneously?

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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 26, 2023 Jun 26, 2023

You’ve posted to a very old thread. It is highly unlikely that the issue described in this thread, though not impossible, is the same issue which you are currently experiencing. Rather than resurrect an old thread that is seemingly similar, you are better posting to a new thread with fresh, complete information including system information, a complete description of the problem and step-by-step instructions for reproduction. 


In the unlikely event the issue is the same, we will merge you back into the appropriate location. 


Thank you!


Rikk Flohr: Adobe Photography Org
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