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Importing XMP files in Lightroom CC MOBILE

Community Beginner ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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Hi there,

I am looking for help on how to sell my Lightroom CC presets. I have exported the presets on my computer as XMP files. From here, I have uploaded them to Dropbox under the impression that I will then be able to open them on Lightroom CC Mobile under add photos -> from files -> dropbox.

At this point though, my mobile device (iPhone 7 plus) says it is an unsupported file type and isn't available to be uploaded into Lightroom CC Mobile.

Will my customers have to download the XMP files onto the Lightroom CC Desktop online application, and then have it sync over the cloud to their mobile device? If this is the case then all is well and that is what I will have to instruct them to do. I am just wondering though, if they are able to do this all from their mobile device.

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

novaj37846566  wrote

Okay, understood, thank you! This is why originally I wanted to export them as DNG files because Lightroom CC Mobile accepts this format. This is how I bought and downloaded presets from people online, and I didn't need to have a subscription.

You can still use this method, but that is not 'exporting a preset as DNG'. What you would do in that case is apply your preset to a DNG image (any DNG image) and then export that DNG image 'as original'. That will export the DNG image w



Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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AFAIK, there is no option in Lightroom Mobile to import presets. They will have to do this in Lightroom CC on the desktop, then the presets will sync to their mobile device(s).

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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So then my customers will have to have a subscription to Lightroom CC? This is what I don't want. I want my customers to be able to only use the free mobile app if they wish. I want it to be simple for them!




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Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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novaj37846566  wrote

So then my customers will have to have a subscription to Lightroom CC? This is what I don't want. I want my customers to be able to only use the free mobile app if they wish. I want it to be simple for them!

I'm afraid that's the way it is, at least on iOS (I don't have any Android devices, so I don't know if it is different on those). Most customers will have a CC subscription anyway, but those that don't will not be able to buy those presets. Maybe a future update will change that, who knows.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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Okay, understood, thank you! This is why originally I wanted to export them as DNG files because Lightroom CC Mobile accepts this format. This is how I bought and downloaded presets from people online, and I didn't need to have a subscription.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 30, 2018 Sep 30, 2018

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novaj37846566  wrote

Okay, understood, thank you! This is why originally I wanted to export them as DNG files because Lightroom CC Mobile accepts this format. This is how I bought and downloaded presets from people online, and I didn't need to have a subscription.

You can still use this method, but that is not 'exporting a preset as DNG'. What you would do in that case is apply your preset to a DNG image (any DNG image) and then export that DNG image 'as original'. That will export the DNG image with the edits embedded. If you deliver that DNG file to a customer, they can import it in Lightroom Mobile. Then they will have to create a new preset in Lightroom Mobile from the settings of that DNG. You will have to instruct them how to do this step by step, and how to create a preset of their own.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 01, 2018 Oct 01, 2018

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THANK YOU! I have finally figured it out thanks to your help. I appreciate it!




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New Here ,
Feb 03, 2019 Feb 03, 2019

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Hey I was searching for an answer myself until I messed around with my Lightroom folder on my Pixel 3 XL. If you have the XMP files you can follow the steps bellow to manually add them into Lightroom Mobile.

1) To get your XMP files aka presets on a mac just open finder and go to your Presets Folder which is located at:

Macintosh HD/Users/<YourName>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings

2) Copy the Presets you want (aka the XMP files) from the Settings folder to your phone's Lightroom Preset folder located at:

Internal Memory/Android/Data/com.adobe.lrmobile/files/carouselDocuments/00000000000/Profiles/Settings/UserStyles/

*note: you can paste an Entire Preset Folder into UserStyles as long as the XMP files are the first things in the folder

3) After you copy the XMP files from Settings to UserStyles you can open the Lightroom app and they should automatically show up in the Presets Tab




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New Here ,
Oct 31, 2020 Oct 31, 2020

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You are my hero!  Thank you for the clear steps.  This worked perfectly for me.




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New Here ,
May 28, 2019 May 28, 2019

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I'm sorry for responding late. Though I am not an Adobe helper, I think this maybe helpful for Apple user. You need to have an iPhone or iPad and a computer to do this, and make sure you have the latest version of Lightroom Mobile CC and iTunes. Here is how you import your presets using iTunes.:

  • First, connect your device to your computer. Then, open iTunes and click on the phone icon.
  • Now, click on File Sharing and select Lightroom. As you can see, there is a folder with bunch of zeros. Click Save and save to a folder on your computer. Don't delete anything inside that folder, you will either lose all of your pictures or make the app not working.
  • Next, go to that folder > settings-acr > userStyles. This is where your presets saved. You can now import your presets here, and the presets must be in .xmp format, not .lrtemplate - it won't work.
  • Finally, drag and drop the folder (must be the folder with bunch of zeros, not the presets folder) into the Lightroom Documents box. It will pop up a message box to replace the old folder, click Replace - it just adds your presets, unless you mess up something in the app folder. Restart your Lightroom app, open Presets to see if your presets are imported. If it's not, either you do something wrong or your presets may be incompatible with your version of your app.

Sound complicated but I hope I can help a little bit for Apple users. If you find something wrong in my instruction, you can message me so that I can fix my instruction and make it more correct.




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New Here ,
May 31, 2019 May 31, 2019

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Thank you!! Worked perfectly




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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2019 Jul 06, 2019

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didn't work for me, but from step three doesn't make any sense what you're saying. the >settings-acr (called just settings on mine)> userStyles (this must be the computer location of the saved files), I've copied those files into that 00000 folder and then copied that 000 folder back to the shared location in the iTunes app. restarted the app and still can't see any of the new presets except the default ones. What I'm I missing?




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New Here ,
Mar 29, 2020 Mar 29, 2020

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There is very simple step to import .xmp preset to lightroom mobile. 

1. Open lightroom mobile

2. goto any photo you have previously imported. 

3. click on preset tab

4.clik on any default presets 

5. click on three dot ( righ corner of preset name)

6. Click on import preset

7. go to folder where you have downloaded files (.xmp)

8. click on open.





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Sep 22, 2024 Sep 22, 2024

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This reply needs more upvotes, this worked perfectly on my iOS device




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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2020 Apr 12, 2020

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Hey, it's very easy to do. Simply go to presets and choose import that's it. Here you can find step by step guide.





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New Here ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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Hi Presetly. That function is only available for Lightroom. In other words the desktop version of Lightroom. There is no option to import a preset in the drop down menu on your phone or iPad. Why is that a problem? Well in my case because I am on the road and do not have a laptop with me so I can not sync the added presses installed from a desktop. I can not add a new present unless it is packaged in a DNG file by the creator. In iOS you can not import a xmp file. Your screen shots are from the desktop version of Lightroom, formally Lightroom mobile. Now it is Lightroom and Lightroom Classic as two distinct eco systems that can work together. 




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