Lightroom auf M1 immer so langsam?
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ich möchte Lightroom CC auf meinem Mac Mini M1 8GB verwenden und habe mir dazu gestern die App aus dem Mac App Store installiert. Dann habe ich knapp 48.000 Bilder importieren lassen über Nacht. Heute möchte ich sie gerne verwalten und mit Stichworten versehen, aber das ist überhaupt nicht möglich. Die Eingabe der Stichworte dauert ewig, mal passiert gar nichts, mal wird mir ein rotierender Kreis angezeigt, ein anderes Mal werden mir mehrere Aufgaben, die noch in Arbeit sind, angezeigt. Ist das üblich bei Lightroom auf dem M1?
Kann ich die Arbeit irgendwie beschleunigen?
Und was passiert, wenn ich tatsächlich mal mit Bildbearbeitung anfange?
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That is not normal at all for a M1 machine. They are typically lightning fast. However, there might be a number of factors that can cause your slowness. First is that Lightroom as you bought it from the app store (contrary to the more professional version which is called Classic) stores all images in the cloud. When you import into Lightroom, it makes a copy of all your images that you imported in a temporary folder and starts uploading the images to the cloud before deleting the local copies. Depending on your network connection's upload speed, this can take a very long time. In the mean time, you might now have an almost full internal hard disk which will really slow down your computer. Check this in APple Menu->ABout this Mac->More Info->Storage. So make sure you wait until the upload is completely finished (the blue spinning almost circle on the cloud icon at the upper right of the window should be gone) before judging the speed. Second, 8GB memory shared between memory and GPU is very low for Lightroom. It is the very bare minimum ( ). It will work for light work but you really need at least 16GB. The M1 machines can to a degree deal with this by using swap memory on the SSD, but if that is also very small (anything below 500GB is really too small) you can run into a situation where it can't do that and your computer will become very slow in memory intensive programs like Lightroom. You can check for this situation in Activity Monitor on your Mac. Look at the memory tab and look at the color of the memory pressure bar graph below. If it is anything but green, you have a low memory problem.