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Need help with Lightoom loading and reinstalling PS

New Here ,
Jul 25, 2023 Jul 25, 2023

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I am in desperate need of help! My PS scratch disk was full and I have since deleted a lot of bulk from my computer, but while in that process, I also uninstalled PS and now it won't open.  I can't access LRm it says "Local Catalog Problem" and to restart or quit.  I did find a post here from March and I tried the advice (deleted files starting with "Managed Catalog.[  ]" and also previews.db.  This did not fix the issue.  I am running mac OS Monterey V 12.6.7.

I am worried I possibly deleted a file that I needed?  I was clearing out big files to make room on my computer as it was nearing full capacity. I have 277 GB available now (of 1TB).  I am able to access Bridge.


I don't know what to do and am really worried/freaking out.  Can someone help please??









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