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When presented with a New Post screen in the Adobe Community, you are given three options for Conversation Type: Discussion, Bug, and Idea.
If you were searching in Discussions, the New Post window will default to Discussions. If you are searching in Bugs, the New Post window will default to Bugs and likewise for Ideas.
Many customers instinctually report problems they are experiencing as “Bugs”. It is natural to think that a problem you are having might be a bug. A bug is defined, for our purposes, as “something in the software that is not functioning as it was designed to function”. Interpreting whether a behavior is a bug or not is not always easy, however.
Here are some reasons why you might want to consider posting first to Discussions rather than jumping straight to reporting in Bugs:
What If I post in Discussions and really have a Bug?
Forum moderators are always on the look out for posts made in Bugs, Discussions and Ideas that really belong somewhere else. If you post a bonafide bug in Discussions, it will be merged into the appropriate existing bug thread or be moved to a new authoritative the Bug forum and annotated as an acknowledged bug.
When in doubt it is always prudent to post in Discussions first. It is likely the correct place and you will see action on your post much more quickly.
Read more posting tips here:
P: Fine-tune the Subject Line of your Adobe Community Forum post for better results
Rikk Flohr
Customer Advocacy for the Photography Products at Adobe.