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Hi Adobe, friends and helpful people out there!
I have the most annoying problem at the moment. We're a group of 10 employees working on separate computers with a photos in Lightroom CC. Each and everyone has their own Adobe-account.
The problem:
We all want to have one single and same Lightroom Library where we need to be able to add photos, edit and contribute in the same library from different computers.
Question 1:
Right now - there's (as far as I understand) no feature allowing me to invite several Adobe-accounts to one and same library to edit, create and change photos? @Adobe - will you help me to confirm?
Question 2 (The option we're forced to have)
Right now, the only option we seemed forced to have (not even scalable solution) is to have one Adobe-account creating the Library. Then to be able to access the photos from different computers we need to log in to the same Adobe-account to be able to access that specific library.
Unfortunately we can only have 2 computers logged in at the same time on the same account. A solution would be if they allowed me to increase the number (to 10, as we are 10 in the group) of users allowed on the same account.
The second solution would be if there is any feature to invite different accounts to the same library with capabilities to edit, add photos, create etc.
Adobe, or anyone else! Please give me advice!
I can't be the only one with this problem? Do you guys have any idea on how to solve it?
Hello @nfian and @Timothy.Spear
Lightroom now allows paid users to invite other people to collaborate (add and edit photos) in shared albums -- your friends, family, colleagues etc can now help contribute new photos or even help edit photos inside your shared albums. People you invite do not need to be paid Lightroom users -- the album owner's paid subscription provides access to every member of the shared album. Privileges are set per-person in the shared album's settings, so some people may
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I am looking at this also. Unfortunate th atLR doesn't allow teams. I am looking into Photoshelter and Canvo to do the job. Adobe is out of its mind in charging $50,000 per year and maybe why they aren't developing the capability in LR