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I'm trying to migrate away from the clunky Lightroom Classic (I've been using it for years and have no real compaints other than it's well clunky lol) I would love to import with my iPad Pro and even the Ligthroom CC application and not sync the full RAWs to the cloud. I have my destination folder set to a NAS drive in my house, so originals are stored there. To have just smart previews in the cloud is all I need. I have all my smart previews in the cloud currently and would love to keep it that way (What Classic does with mobile syncing to cloud but in reverse). I'm paying for the Photography Plan currenlty and wouldn't even mind paying a little more a month, I just simply don't need all RAWs synced to the cloud, and furthermore it takes so long because I have pretty limited internet.
I've searched around and realize this might not be/or ever be an option. So my next question would be, is it possible to clear the RAWs from the cloud at a later date? Thus clearing cloud storage and keeping smart previews if needed?
This cannot be done. It is important to realize that for Lightroom Cloudy, the master images are always in the cloud. It fundamentally has to upload images to the cloud. The local storage is ONLY used for fast access or when you don't have internet. If you delete the master raw from the cloud, the image will get deleted everywhere - from your iPad and even from your local storage!!!!! This is fundamentally different from Lightroom Classic where the master image is the image on your hard disk and
...I have a very similar setup as you with originals being on a NAS and I use both versions of Lightroom, mobile on iPhone and iPad, and occasionally web. Since Smart Previews don't count towards storage, I import into Classic into a collection that is syncing with the cloud. That way I can see it on all devices and versions of Lightroom. The only catch I've found so far is I don't always remember to open Lightroom to let it sync with the cloud. But, if I need to get quick access to an original, I
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This cannot be done. It is important to realize that for Lightroom Cloudy, the master images are always in the cloud. It fundamentally has to upload images to the cloud. The local storage is ONLY used for fast access or when you don't have internet. If you delete the master raw from the cloud, the image will get deleted everywhere - from your iPad and even from your local storage!!!!! This is fundamentally different from Lightroom Classic where the master image is the image on your hard disk and the cloud is just a copy, which is why Classic can send just smart previews.
If you go the Lightroom Cloudy route, you have to have cloud storage enough for all your images.
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Thank you so much for the reply. I guess my request is due to the fact that it IS possible with Classic, so why not with the other Lightroom versions. They way Classic works/links so well with folders on your computer, I guess I just wish the other applications did the same thing. Especially now that iPad OS has more of a file system. Oh well, just a dream feature I guess.
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"I guess my request is due to the fact that it IS possible with Classic, so why not with the other Lightroom versions. "
Because the whole point of Cloudy is storing your originals in the cloud.
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ok! I can follow your explanations. Now as a Classic User: is it possible to upload all the master pictures into the cloud everytime I sync a collection out of Classic with CC (or Cloudy or whatever you call it... )??
All the best,
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No, Classic only syncs smart previews. It cannot sync the full raw files. This is extremely annoying indeed.
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If you import the full resolution images from you hard disk into Lightroom Desktop (Cloud), then these will overwrite the Smart Previews in the Cloud that were synced from a Lightroom Classic Collection, retaining edits etc.
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Will this create duplicates or, if the file name is the same will it just upload the full dmg file to the cloud without creating duplicate entries in the catalog?
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What is "clunky" about Lightroom Classic? Is it a performance issue?
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I have a very similar setup as you with originals being on a NAS and I use both versions of Lightroom, mobile on iPhone and iPad, and occasionally web. Since Smart Previews don't count towards storage, I import into Classic into a collection that is syncing with the cloud. That way I can see it on all devices and versions of Lightroom. The only catch I've found so far is I don't always remember to open Lightroom to let it sync with the cloud. But, if I need to get quick access to an original, I can use the local tab. It's really the best of both in my opinion.
As for going in reverse; I occasionally import on my iPad but do so more selectively so I don't use up all my cloud storage. And, I only do this when I'm away from my home setup for a backup. Once I get home, I move those originals over to the NAS and out of the cloud storage. It's an extra couple of steps in the workflow, but not too bad.