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Hallo in die Runde
ich habe folgendes Problem: beim öffnen von LR habe ich alle Fotos im Order alle Fotos, die von mir angelegten Ordner sind alle leer.
Ich würde gerne auf ein Backup des Katalogs zugreifen weiß aber nicht wo ich das find. Lokal auf meinem Macbook ist es nicht gespeichert.
Finde ich das in der Cloud?
Würde mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen.
Vielen Dand schon mal
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LR or LRClassic?
You create folders in classic, not LR.
LR doesn't have a lrcat file.
You can log into to see what you have in LR - the online version is what you have in the cloud.
To find backups in LR Classic, to to your Catalog settings and look under General, Location.
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Thank you for the answer. It´s Photoshop Lightroom not Classic. My coud storage is full (only 100 GB) but there is no data!
Whats the filename of the catalog then? I will search for it on my mackbook.
Thank you very much
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There is no catalog. Go to What do you see there? Unless you chose to save things locally, they are not on your computer. Look in your preferences.
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Thank you for your answer. If I open the link it shows me 22000 pictures in one folder. In total I have about 70000. I guess these 22000 are stored in the cloud. I cant finde the window you posted as a screenshot.
Thank you for helping me, at least I found the right Libary on my macbook. Its a lrcat file wich opens with Adobe Lightroom (not classic)