Is there anyway to stop the mouse wheel from changing the active photo when in "Edit" mode. All the selective editing tools (Crop, Healing, Brush and Gradients) have explicit scroll wheel functionality in the main image window for tool controls and navigation. What I find happening more than I care to admit is upon moving back to the overall "Edit" module I will scroll expecting to zoom/navigate and inadvertently cycle through a few images, usually leading me to switch back to "Grid" view to find my original image. This scroll wheel functionality makes sense when in general "Detail" view, but part of me feels like it shouldn't work this way with the "Edit" panel open.
I also do a lot of work in Photoshop and Illustrator (often concurrently) and find the mouse/keyboard modified navigation differences moving from those to Lightroom to be quite jarring at times. In the absence of the standardized Alt/Space navigation controls, a way to make these behaviors more consistent would be fantastic.