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Generative Fill and Expand not working

Explorer ,
May 02, 2024 May 02, 2024

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MacOS Monterey v12.7.4

PS Beta v25.9


  • Generative Image only works if I select the entire document (select all), then apply Generative Fill from contextual menu bar or left side toolbar.
  • If I make a selection, other than select all, Generative Fill throws an error: "The service is not responding. Please check your internet and try again." Nothing is wrong with my connection. Again, selecting all, the Generative Fill (full layer) works as expected. Let's say that I want to change a small item on the image and I select the area I want to generate an image, it will not work and give me that error.
  • I've also had issues with the full layer generations. I have one layer of Generative Fill that will not show the "enhance detail" option with the generation thumbnails. On another layer, I have the issue of the new generations have lost all color and context of the prompt after a few rounds of generation.
  • Using the Crop tool, Generative Expand is not working and throws the same error: "The service is not responding. Please check your internet and try again."
  • If I remove a background via the contextual menu, then once the background is removed there is an option to Generate background, that will also fail without an error message.


I understand this is bug reporting for PS Beta, however I am also having issues with PS current release. Maybe my generation issue are related?


PS v25.7.0

  • No Generative creation works at all; select all, custom selections, or expand from crop. Content Aware works for cropping though, but it's not the same as Generative Expand. Same errors as stated above for PS beta.


Are these known issues with these builds? Or is there something I need to do in my MacOS enviroment to correct the issue? I've read about Windows firewall / VPN issues. Is there something similar with MacOS I need to address?

Thank you in advance for your time and help!-








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Explorer ,
May 06, 2024 May 06, 2024

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I've found some success, but I wouldn't call this "solved". After digging through the other posts on Generative Fill/Expand not working for others, I was prompted to look into my firewall, antivirus, VPN, applications. I discovered when I turn off Avast AntiTrack, this corrects all behavior with Generative Fill/Expand not working in PS (v25.7.0) and PS Beta (v25.9).


Why? Why does Avast AntiTrack shutdown Generative Fill/Expand from working, while if I do a full document (select all) Generative Fill with the Firefly integration (PS Beta) it works? Are these functions calling out to separate services/sites?

Does anyone know what URL PS/PS Beta calls out to for Generative Fill? I could add this to the trusted list within Avast AntiTrack and it should allow me to keep Avast AntiTrack running while also being able to use Generative Fill.

Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!-






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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2024 May 17, 2024

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Still not working as far as I can tell. I have clicked Generative Expand button a dozen times. It does nothing. It's so frustrating to get cool new features that are useful then they eventually stop working. 





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