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Logitech MX Master not working with Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Premiere Pro

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Sep 06, 2024 Sep 06, 2024

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I am in the process of switching from my Macbook to a beastly windows desktop computer because of work.


I have tried using both a MX Master 2S and a MX Master 3 and neither mouse works properly on Adobe Premiere Pro or Photoshop.

All I simply try to do, is map the custom button to gesture a zoom so I can zoom in and out of my timeline efficiently, it has worked perfectly on my Mac.

However, for some reason it refuses to work specifically with Adobe products (in this case the ones I use most which is Premiere Pro and Photoshop).


As you can see in the video, for some reason it scrolls from left to right in Adobe Photoshop instead of zooming in, and just straight up refuses to do anything in a Premiere Pro timeline. You can also see in the video that the zoom function works perfectly in other programs where in this case it's Google Chrome. So it's not the mouse that's the issue, it's the adobe programs.


Again, the mouses both work perfectly on my Mac, it just refuses to work ideally on the windows computer that I'm using at work.


I have updated all of my Adobe Programs, I am usig the most updated version of Logitech Options+, I have tried turning it on and off again to no avail.


What's the solution here?

Bug Unresolved






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