After updating to Photoshop CC 2021 v22.3.0 , I am unable to process images either by opening directly in Photoshop or via "Edit in ..." from Lightroom. Error message is: Could not complete your request because of program error.
In 22.3.0, Edit | Preferences | Performance does nothing when selected - the options for this setting do not display at all (or occasionally it has given the same error message).
After reverting back to Photoshop CC 2021 v 22.2.0 the problem goes away.
In 22.2.0 I updated Edit | Preferences | Performance, deselected “Use Graphics Processor" and updated to 22.3.0 again. I am now able to process images as before - obviously without "Use Graphics Processor" which remains unselected. If I select this option in 22.3.0 I get the above error message again.