Reporting a bug here that causes a crash in PS 26.1.
It also existed and was confirmed by Adobe in Beta 26.0, changed slightly in Beta 26.1, disappeared in PS 26.0, and has reappeared in PS 26.1.
I’ll attach a video of the sequence.
I have actions and plugins on the market that use group folders and am getting emails around the clock, as it appears to customers as though my actions are faulty. It’s suddenly quite a disaster for my business.
Through interfacing with some customers, I’m finding that the two-folder bug (reported also at the end of the linked thread) is also crashing the program in some cases. Additionally, the use of artboards in place of groups, are crashing the program in some cases.
I can’t attach an action to this post, but perhaps your team could take a look at these actions:
I’m able to crash the program with Action 3. Some users are able to crash the program with Actions 1 and 2 as well.
I’m at your mercy - please have the team look into this. I cannot emphasize enough what a mess this is creating for me.
Thanks in advance, and can you please confirm you've received this? Much appreciated.
*System info attached, but I’m getting reports of this issue on Windows and Mac from multiple users.