Action photoshop
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Je souhaite utiliser une action photoshop
(BlackNull’s Modern Artist Action Set)
mais au moment de la lancer, le logiciel me dit
La commande “Sélection” n'est pas disponible.
Que puis-je faire pour résoudre le problème ?
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Look at the expanded action step.
Do you have a selection active?
Is the action trying to select a named layer that isn't in your file? Is it trying to select a Background image layer that your file does not have?
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There's been a few actions like these that needed a lot of fixes later on.
I have played with this one and got it working a few years ago.
(1) Read the instructions well:
Free Adobe action for 8 bit RGB
Make sure your image is large enough. The action was tested on images between 1,000 and 6,000 pixels.
Make sure that the image layer is locked and set as the 'background' layer.
[Me:] Make a new blank layer and paint with a hard black brush entirely over the subject. You need a transparent part too, normally the background.
(2) My own remarks...
This action can throw dozens of errors when something is not ok.
It seems sometimes you have to play with the image size for it to work. E.g. 1400 => 1200px.
It seems to shine more in pics with blinkies or highlights, like a sax player.
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I've just had another go with it some years later...
I think I got the same error, but it's the first step and it explains why.
I think you first have to duplicate the background layer [Nope. Make a NEW blank layer] and name it "mask."
I understand you have to paint over the subject (on the picture) with a hard black brush, then run the action.
The whole action ran fine, but the result was not there. The subject was not in the artwork. I might have a look...
Update: I picked the wrong action (there are two), but the subject still doesn't appear... [I needed to use a blank new layer]
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I think it might be picking the wrong options in some filters, as PS sometimes adds an option, splits an option, changes a default... The action is WAY too long to debug it, really. I vaguely remember in another action the cause was a wrong choice in Select and Mask... where PS added an option.
This is what I get for a headshot now...
For some of these major actions, you can sometimes find threads where people fixed it.
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It's working now 🙂 Just another case of "RTFM"... 😉 (read instructions well)
I was duplicating the background layer and painting on that, as the page can lead you into thinking that. But watch the layers panel and instructions => make a NEW (blank) layer, and paint on that.
So it would be wise to add a whole subaction to both these actions that makes a duplicate and sets things up correctly, with or without some pointers.
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I've added this subaction and a stop with instructions to both main actions...
Depending on how you prefer to work, you could add a step that selects a hard brush, or do Select Subject, etc.
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Merci pour vos retours.
J'ai correctement fait ce qui est demandé en terme de calques et silhouette aplat monochrome.
Le problème vient du fait que mon logiciel est en français, et l'action en anglais. Du coup l'action ne retouve pas le mot "background" mais "arrière plan" (Menu calque/nouveau/arrière plan d'après un calque).
Au moment du blocage il faut sélectionner le calque que l'action ne trouve pas, puis poursuivre l'action. (Heureusement, ce n'est pas demandé 50 fois…) et ça marche !
Merci encore d'avoir pris le temps de me répondre, bonne journée 🙂
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Aha, cool! 🙂 I always forget about that aspect...
I always install in English as native languages can sound so silly and badly translated.