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Batch action to create split view images in a folder and then recurse through multiple folders

New Here ,
Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

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I am working on colorizing 1000's of black and white images and need to show the before and after image as a split image. 


I need to create a action/script that can:

  1. Open 2 jpg files from folder which (ex. image A, image B
  2. Stack the 2 images
  3. delete half of one of the images.
  4. Merge the 2 images and save as new image, and close the file

I have thousands of images I need to do this for so it would be great to be able to automate.

I could have the images all in the same folder or split the images into 2 folders (before and after), or do whatever file prep that would make this possible.CA_LosAngeles_100578_3_combo_1wmrk.jpg

Actions and scripting , Windows




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

The example you show look like a single image not two images. That 1/2 the left  half has  been made b/w  while the right half remains colored. 


It would be easy to record an action to do that to a single image. That action could be batched.  So if converting the left half  of you colorized image to b/w would be acceptable  all you need are your colorized image files and your  action to create the before after images.


If you actually want to do what you described  you will not be able to do



Community Expert ,
Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

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The example you show look like a single image not two images. That 1/2 the left  half has  been made b/w  while the right half remains colored. 


It would be easy to record an action to do that to a single image. That action could be batched.  So if converting the left half  of you colorized image to b/w would be acceptable  all you need are your colorized image files and your  action to create the before after images.


If you actually want to do what you described  you will not be able to do that with a Photoshop action,  You would need to use  Photoshop Scripting.  Design a process that would be able to match the b/w file and the colorize  color file. Then Open one and place in or paste in the other then mask off half if the top image. The save the before after composite image file.


If you do not know Photoshop Scripting.  Create your colorized Image file as a layered psd file. Duplicate the Background b/w layer and colorize the Background copy layer.  You could then record a batch action that would process  two layer PSD file mask half of the top colorized layer and batch would save the before after composite image file





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New Here ,
Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

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In this case, the original image is B&W and the new image is Colorized using an Artificial Intelliegence script.  So with that said I could take the colorized image and create a action.  Once opening the colorized image, I would need to desaturate the left half.  How would you suggest selecting or deleting half of that layer?


The image are have one varying dimension, but they are all 1024 on one side.


If I decide to try scripting, if the 2 images are in the same folder could I create a script that would process the 2 images in each folder independant of name of file?  And then batch that script.


Thanks for your help~






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Community Expert ,
Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

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You just need to add a B/W adjustment layer and fill 1/2 the mask with black.



I believe from what you wrote scripting is not something you will be able to do. Scripting is programming the script would need to process one or two folder of images and have logic that would pair files correctly.






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Community Expert ,
Oct 17, 2020 Oct 17, 2020

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You might also find Droplets useful in this situation...


"A droplet applies an action to one or more images, or a folder of images, that you drag onto the Droplet icon. You can save a droplet on the desktop or to another location on disk."






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