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I have a template for my design. Base (template) design has 3 linked psd. (XXX bg, XXX obj, XXX design.)
I'am copy for too many times bg fruit.tif file. After opening bg fruit.tif file which is new location. I need to relink 3 linked psd. Name is not the same, but end of the names are same.
My dream is this. After i open bg fruits.tif file. Search and auto Relink with the same end of the name.
Sorry for my English. I am trying to improve. Thanks for your helpings.
Give the following code a try...
The script will prompt you to select one or more TIFF files to open, bypassing the missing links dialog window...
Next, the script will then loop over the 3 named linked smart object layers, relinking them to the new asset based on the name of the parent directory.
So, the placeholder XXX design.psd will be relinked to BAHRAIN APPLE design.psd or ACAI design.psd etc. Same for the XXX obj.psd and XXX bg.psd placeholder files. All insta
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The linked image path in your screenshots is different between the two examples.
I expected both to be in the same directory/folder path, just with different names. So, is the new name always in the same directory/folder, or does this change?
A custom script could probably be created to solve your problem.
What is the expectation, that you would be able to select a new folder and the links would auto update based on the back part of their names? How would this work for batch processing?
Can you list step-by-step what you wish to achieve? You can post in your native language and we can use the forum or other translation software if that is easier.
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Apologies for the confusion. I have 100 fruit products, and I have one template for each of them called "bg fruit." Inside this "bg fruit" document, there are 3 placeholders (for future relinking). According to my design workflow, fruit designs will replace these placeholders. I adjust their alignment, quantity, and size all at once.
Then, I copy the "bg fruit" document prepared in a single file and paste it into 100 folders. These folders are named ACAI, BANANA, CHERRY, etc.
When I open the duplicate "bg fruit" document in the ACAI folder, I relink it with the files in the ACAI folder. Ta-da! Thanks to 3 relinks, the ACAI design template is set up. Then, I go into the BANANA folder, and this time, I relink the 3 placeholders with the 3 banana files in the BANANA folder.
What I want is this: When I open the "bg fruit" file in the ACAI folder, it will be automatically match with the files already present in the folder. In other words, I want the relink process to happen automatically.
If this seems complex, I can upload the file structure for you.
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Thank you for the diagram and explanation, it does help. A custom script should be able to streamline your workflow.
I would need at least 2 examples to test. They don't need to be full high resolution, but in all other aspects they should be the same as used for production.
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Here you go. This is my file stracture.
You can download it directly on my ftp.
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Give the following code a try...
The script will prompt you to select one or more TIFF files to open, bypassing the missing links dialog window...
Next, the script will then loop over the 3 named linked smart object layers, relinking them to the new asset based on the name of the parent directory.
So, the placeholder XXX design.psd will be relinked to BAHRAIN APPLE design.psd or ACAI design.psd etc. Same for the XXX obj.psd and XXX bg.psd placeholder files. All instances of the base three linked files of the same name will be updated.
The open file will then be saved and closed, before the next file is opened and the process is repeated until all selected files to open have been processed.
Relink Named Smart Objects to Parent Folder.jsx
Stephen Marsh
v1.0, 27th November 2024
#target photoshop;
// Skip the open dialog warnings
var savedDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
// Hide the Photoshop panels
// Select multiple files to open (ignoring warnings)
var fileOrFiles = File.openDialog("Select the TIFF file/s to open:", Multiselect = true);
// Create the progress bar window
var win = new Window("palette", "Progress", [150, 150, 600, 270]);
var progressBar = win.add("progressbar", [20, 12, 430, 24], 0, fileOrFiles.length);
var progressText = win.add("statictext", [10, 30, 440, 48], "Processing files...");
progressText.alignment = "center";;;
// Loop over the selected files
for (var i = 0; i < fileOrFiles.length; i++) {
// Update the progress bar
progressBar.value = i + 1;
progressText.text = "Processing file " + (i + 1) + " of " + fileOrFiles.length;
// Open the file and get the active document
var openFiles =[i]));
// Set the doc path variables
var parentPath = app.activeDocument.path.fsName;
var fruitName = parentPath.replace(/(^.+\/)(.+$)/, "$2");
// Update the linked "design" smart objects
selectLayerByName("XXX design");
relinkToFile(parentPath + "/" + fruitName + " design.psd");
// Update the linked "obj" smart objects
selectLayerByName("XXX obj");
relinkToFile(parentPath + "/" + fruitName + " obj.psd");
// Update the linked "bg" smart objects
selectLayerByName("XXX bg");
relinkToFile(parentPath + "/" + fruitName + " bg.psd");
// End of link update alert
// Close and save
// Close the progress bar window
// End of script alert
alert("Script completed!");
// Restore the Photoshop panels
app.displayDialogs = savedDisplayDialogs;
function selectLayerByName(layerName) {
var s2t = function (s) {
return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
var list = new ActionList();
var reference = new ActionReference();
reference.putName(s2t("layer"), layerName);
descriptor.putReference(s2t("null"), reference);
descriptor.putBoolean(s2t("makeVisible"), false);
descriptor.putList(s2t("layerID"), list);
executeAction(s2t("select"), descriptor, DialogModes.NO);
function relinkToFile(filePath) {
var idplacedLayerRelinkToFile = stringIDToTypeID("placedLayerRelinkToFile");
var desc431 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = stringIDToTypeID("null");
desc431.putPath(idnull, new File(filePath));
executeAction(idplacedLayerRelinkToFile, desc431, DialogModes.NO);