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Hey all,
I've licenced to use a snow vector and it opens in illustrator but when I paste it to photoshop it just comes out as it looks with the vector grid.
How do I get it so its just the snow? I tried unlaying the grid but then it just comes out as grey blobs.
Thank you for any help 🙂
Create a black backround in Illustrator and set the whole Smart Object in Photoshop to the Blend Mode »Screen«.
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Could you please post a screenshot of the image in Illustrator with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Options Bar, …) visible?
Is there a Layer with a checkerboard background?
What background are you setting it against in Photoshop?
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Maybe you need to create a black backround in Illustrator and set the whole Smart Object in Photoshop to the Blend Mode »Screen«.
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So i think layer 1 is the grid, when i uncheck this it goes but then left with the blobs.
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Also this is the background i want it over, just to give it a snow effect..
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Create a black backround in Illustrator and set the whole Smart Object in Photoshop to the Blend Mode »Screen«.
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So I managed to do it by blend Screen and by taking off-grid and white background layers in the AI (first pic)
Your method I think would have worked if I took the grid layers away too? but it made it very bright - do you know why it did this? (Second pic)
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Update - Your way worked perfectly when I took the layer grid off and the black background thank you so much!