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best resource that would help me to pass adobe Photoshop CC ACE exam

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Sep 20, 2014 Sep 20, 2014

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Best resource that would help me to pass adobe Photoshop CC ACE exam ?

and another question

can i practice from  Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book

and then knowing the new feature of CC , to pass the exam

thanks in advance






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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2016 Feb 26, 2016

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It's you who is providing incorrect information, not Examaids. I corrected Certiport when they gave a similar answer to yours and they then confirmed what I said: exam content is only updated when a major version is released (i.e., CS5, CS6, CC, etc). Otherwise, only errors are corrected.

The reason the FAQ says, ā€œā€¦ not all changes will impact the skills that make ACEsā€ is precisely to cover what I said above: the exams are static, the corresponding applications are not, and you don't need to know the newer features that were introduced after the exam was released, knowing the features covered by the exam are sufficient to qualify you as an ACE for two years.

While having a good breadth of knowledge is admirable and will stand you in good stead in the real world, it's NOT essential to pass the ACE exams. You only need knowledge of the areas covered by the exam objectives (Exam Guide) published by Adobe. For example, if video or 3D or CMYK is NOT included in the exam objectives, you will NOT find questions on those areas.

The site you point to is NOT an Adobe site. It is owned and administered by Pearson VUE. I daresay they pay something to Adobe, just as you do to Pearson VUE, but it is NOT an Adobe site per se. Hence what I said stands: Adobe don't endorse third-party products.

Regarding your products being the only ones available via the "Adobe's own marketplace", actually Pearson VUE's (see the footer on the page you linked to), watch that space!





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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2016 Feb 26, 2016

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This discussion is far removed from the point of Saif.Smeiratā€™s post, but what is advised is to follow information provided, officially, by Adobe, or whomever Adobe trust to relay information. This is certainly true of the Exam Guide ā€” http://training.adobe.com/certification/exams/photoshop_cc_2013/_jcr_content/sampleExam ā€” which may I add is published by Adobe and made available through the Adobe Training Services website mentioned previously.

Again Iā€™ll add this quote, taken directly from the Adobe Training Services website:

ā€œā€¦ ACE exams are continually evaluated and updated to ensure the content remains relevant.ā€ ā€” Adobe (http://training.adobe.com/certification/faqs.html)

No quoted statement from Adobe at this point communicates to the contrary.

End of discussion. Apologies Saif.Smeirat, if you require any further assistance please do get in touch.





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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2016 Feb 26, 2016

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I was simply correcting your misinformation. I have no doubt it was well intentioned, and not meant to mislead, but with an eye on selling your products (you are not alone in saying you constantly or continuously or frequently, etc, update your content). We, at Examaids, do NOT add new questions to cover newer features but instead stick to the objectives in the Exam Guide. However, you are interpreting a line, whereas I am telling you a fact that was issued by Certiport (Adobe no longer administer the ACE exams). Adobe and now Certiport either do NOT have resources or don't wish to allocate them to update some 20 or so exams every 3 months.

The exam guide, or exam bulletin as used to be known, is NOT in question. What I questioned was your assertion that you need to study newer features and that you "constantly" update your products to cover those features. This is the misinformation I want to correct for the benefit of would-be-candidates. It is NOT necessary to know the newest features, only the ones covered by the Exam Guide.

The quote from the FAQ you linked to twice, if you read the FAQ in detail you will see it mentions recertification.  No longer available! "Certifications on Adobe Digital Marketing Suite products are valid for 12 months." Actually, it's 24 months, not 12 months.  FAQs aren't always what they appear to be!

I will stick my reputation on the fact that exams are NOT updated to include latest features once the exam are published. However, errors discovered after publication are corrected. If any prepKit forces you to study newer features (see my above reply), it's simply wasting your time.





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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2016 Feb 26, 2016

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ā€ŒReliance on the Exam Guide is something we can all agree on, and this document forms the backbone of our resources since this is the only confirmation or hint toward the actual ACE exam content.

The Exam Guide, and the categories and objectives contained therein should be followed however there is some interpretation required at times. For example the Oil Paint filter that was reintroduced in Photoshop CC 2015.1 could fit nicely into "Understanding and working with Smart filters" under "Working with Filters".

Examaids, you are giving advice whilst solidly relying on an assumption that the exams are NOT updated without solid confirmation from Adobe themselves. This in itself is misinformed.





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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OK...So not end of discussion!

I agree the objectives in the Exam Guide is the only indicator of the areas the exams will cover. I do NOT agree that the Adobe Marketplace is an Adobe site so, therefore, products featured on it are somehow endorsed by Adobe. It is a Pearson VUE site, and they are selling your products for which they are taking a percentage of the product price. This is not sour grapes as our products are also going to be sold by Pearson VUE.

The Oil Filter isn't and will NOT be covered in the Photoshop CC exam. It may be covered in the Photoshop CC 2015/16 exam, but having written an exam aid for Photoshop for some 15 years and beta tested for 10.5 and acquired a feel for what will be covered, I am 99% sure it will NOT form part of the next exam.

Your interpretation of the objective "Understanding and working with Smart filters" to include the Oil Filter as an example is flawed. The Oil Filter has nothing to do with working with smart filters. If it does, then you need to cover ALL of the filters in the filter gallery! If you have, which I doubt going by the number of questions in your products, you are wasting the would-be-candidate's time. They may as well read the whole help file and save some money.

BTW. it's not clear from the wording on your product page how many unique questions are contained in your Photoshop CC product. Out of interest, how many does it include, and how many are not from Photoshop CC but Photoshop CC 2015? For the record, our Photoshop CC ACE Exam Aid contains 300 unique questions based on the corresponding Exam Guide and unlimited practice exams based on the 300 questions, and none from Photoshop CC 2015.

What I said previously about exams being frozen once published, apart from error corrections, stands. It is categorically NOT misinformation.





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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So you are now conceding that the exam are updated at times?!

Examaids, this antagonistic discussion is going nowhere and is not helpful to anyone, least of all the original person who posted for advice.

Saif, again I apologise. I will absolutely not reply to anymore posts from Examaids but am available if you wish to discuss further.





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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The exams are NOT updated. How many times do I need to repeat it? Errors are corrected, otherwise they are frozen. I've repeated it enough times.

There's nothing antagonistic about correcting information, or sharing information that will help the OP.





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Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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Guys this bickering about who has the best product to pass Adobe exams should now stop. You both have established you have a product out there and its now up to the OP to decide what they want to use. This forum is for user support not for product placement. Its noticeable that both of you claim considerable experience with Photoshop but have barely any forum points accredited to you. It would be nice if you as experts answered a few questions for free rather than try to get free advertising from us for your business'. Sorry to be harsh but you just won't shut up






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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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@MissTake Before you take anyone to task, please check some details. I originally replied to a straight question because it hadn't been answered, and it WAS regarding our Photoshop CC ACE Exam Aid. Then iPassExam made some incorrect claims which I tried to correct so the OP can make up his mind. There is NO bickering or antagonism on my part.

FYI, I have been helping Photoshop users since 1995! Long before I had any products to push! I had plenty of points accredited many years back but stopped visiting these forums. I have had to use a new ID as my ACC ID address will NOT let me post here. It generates URL too long errors when I click Reply and then login. I have been trying to get it fixed by Adobe for over a month but to prove to Adobe support that it was NOT my OS or my browsers, I created another ID. So now you know. You are way out of line slandering people's reputations or telling anyone to shut up without knowing anything about them, or trying to find out. A simple Google of 'shangara +photoshop' will throw up information about who I am. If you have a problem with anyone's posts, flag them as abusive.





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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@howarddyer I have just received following reply regarding whether exams are "continuously" updated. It's from the person at Adobe who used to be in charge of the ACE exams before they were handed over to Certiport.

Me to Adobe:

Iā€™m having a heated discussion on the Adobe forums with a competitor who insists the exams are ā€œcontinuouslyā€ updated to include latest features. For example, the Photoshop CC exam will also cover features from Photoshop CC 2015. I cannot see how that is possible, given how difficult it is just to release an exam and the exam title should tell you that cannot be the case. I said errors are corrected, but no new content is added.

Heā€™s using a quote from the FAQs page to back his argument:

ā€œā€¦ ACE exams are continually evaluated and updated to ensure the content remains relevant.ā€ ā€” Adobe (http://training.adobe.com/certification/faqs.html)

Adobe reply:

No, they are not as it would be extremely hard to keep up with the changes.  Plus, from a certification standpoint they don't need to be.  When Photoshop got the warp command one isn't suddenly unable to be certified if we don't cover it; plus, all exams cover a small subset of product features and we determine statistically that you can use the product by having you pass a 50+ question exam.

So, someone clearly needs to apologise for accusing me of spreading misinformation.





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Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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oh dear I seem to have rattled your cage. Well you get no apologies from me I'm afraid. I have read the thread and you seem to be more concerned about pushing a product than helping anyone. The original question was asked 2 years ago now and the last actual question from a different OP came in November. You should ask yourself who you are actually talking too, but you already know that- its the audience here that might buy your product.

I wasn't going to say this, but to anyone thinking of taking these exams don't be deceived into thinking it will necessarily get you a job. I head up my own team of 8 people at a London advertising agency and have advertised for a new team member. I have received so far 250+ applications and approximately 20% are Adobe qualified. This does not guarantee even an interview. I will look first at the degree class and then at the portfolio and then at any certificate that has been awarded. Even after that I will expect shortlisted applicants to complete a task I set prove they can actually cut the mustard as jobbing graphics designers. Its nice to have these certifications for a CV but it will never serve as an alternative to true design qualifications and experience.





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2016 Feb 27, 2016

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The reason I replied is because the thread is still getting views.





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New Here ,
Mar 03, 2016 Mar 03, 2016

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Hi I'm Courtenay the owner of iPassExam.com

My apologies to MissTakeā€Œand other subscribers to this thread for the off topic conversation that seems to have erupted here.  I'd like to clarify a few points regarding iPassExam.comā€Œ : first we are in no way endorsed or affiliated with Adobe. Although as Howard my colleague states we are an official provider on the Adobe Marketplace (provided by Pearson VUE).

The second point I would like to clear up is the nature of exam updates.  Previously the exams were only updated with the software version, i.e from CS5 to CS6.  With Creative Cloud this changed!  Subscribers to CC will receive 2 or 3 updates a year that can change functionality as well as include UI changes and bug fixes.  So do the CC exams get updated?  The answer is yes, BUT it's difficult to predict when those changes will happen.  I've discussed the problems this causes for the test taker in this blog post: Would the real Dreamweaver CS6 please stand up!

Currently it's scheduled for the CC exams to be updated again to 'CC 15' later this year.  So if you intend on sitting the CC exam, I advise you keep in mind that the exam is going to lag somewhat behind the interface you're using.  This is less a problem than you might fear, because the last update to the CC exam changed the nature of the questions to focus less on remembering menu options (UI) and more on theoretical understanding.  We updated our questions on iPassExam.comā€Œ to reflect this subtle change to the the exam (this is what Howard was refering to in his posts).

I'm sure readers of this thread are discerning and intelligent enough be able to make informed decisions about which preperation service they choose.  Please feel free try all the free trials available and I'm sure you will make a decision that right for you šŸ™‚

If you're interested the iPassExam trial can be found at: Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Exam Questions - Trial

I hope this has gone some way to clarifying the situation and settling this unintended fracas.







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Explorer ,
Mar 03, 2016 Mar 03, 2016

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@Courteney Not sure why you are apologising to MissTake. She is the one who is off topic. We are discussing what is the best prep tool for preparing for the ACE exam, NOT the value of the exams, and to vilify any contributor is not only off topic but uncalled for and any moderator will and should not only reprimand such posters but also remove any off topic posts and then moderate the culprit..

Your community manager, Howard Dyer, was wrong on three accounts: 1) imply Adobe are endorsing your products, 2) CC exam content is updates once released and 3) the Oil Filter should be covered as part of the Smart Filters topic (given as an example). I corrected him on all three accounts. The right thing to do is admit you are wrong, and take it on the chin and move on.

To repeat, once an exam is released, no new content is added (see above replies from me). You are still maintaining the CC exams are updated, even after I pasted an answer from Adobe to underline what I had already said.

So do the CC exams get updated?  The answer is yes, BUT it's difficult to predict when those changes will happen.

No it's not. The changes will happen when Adobe / Certiport release the next batch of CC exams, which will either be titled CC 2015, or CC 2016.





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Mar 03, 2016 Mar 03, 2016

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Hello Courtenay,

Its nice to know at least one business owner in this thread is sensible enough to recognize that this forum is about bigger things than which person knows more about exam updates. The topic is of course important , but is better discussed in blogs like the one you linked too. Howard's posts it seems to me were an honorable attempt to inform, whereas your rival Examaids is very aggressive person and absolutely desperate to be considered right. To be honest I don't know which of you is correct but I will always be biased in favor of voices of reason and your post above shows that. The owner of Examaids gives the game away when he posts under a business name, which I am pleased to say you and Howard  have not. For me Examaids sole purpose in posting on the Photoshop forum is summed up from a line in his own thread above:

'I have been helping Photoshop users since 1995! Long before I had any products to push! '

Well Examaid this forum has rules about pushing your own products. I don't tout for clients here and don't even mention the company I work for and neither should you. Chuck or Benjamin can reprimand me by all means if they feel I am out of order and I will respect that 100% as I respect their opinions. Sadly I don't respect your opinion at all and so will not lose any sleep about what you think or say.

Courtenay in our company we sometimes sponsor talented people to enhance their qualifications, be assured next time we do that I will be sure to point them in the direction of iPassExam.com as I looked at your site and was impressed by the professional approach you and Howard show, both there and here.

Terri Stevens





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