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Hi all,
i got a serious and annoying problem when i paint,and i'm going crazy because with CS4 photoshop i never got this problem
when i paint and press with my tablet WACOM INTUOS 4 and release pen my brush cursor change aspect from circle to cursor to OS X Mouse Cursor for a little bit second and then return to classic brush round circle repeatedly in any brush press-release -press-relase (painting)
if i rotate my grip-pen to erase something, this "change" move cursor about 5/10 pixel and then return in start position and any work become impossible and hard.
I tried to install the new driver wacom for a night trying to solve this problem.
but the end i give up and turn off my wacom, and i discovered that my problem isn't the tablet but Photoshop CS 5!
if i draw/paint with the mouse the "blink cursor joke" is the same!!!
i'm very frustrated for this problem!
i read a lot of forums,
try to turn off open-gl
try to re-install
try this.. try that..
please help me!!
thank you and sorry for bad English
PS: here is a gif example for the problem
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Sorry, I was replying to David Dobish's post, but seems the forum failed to display a quote...
Maybe I haven't found the right way to quote
I don't think it's the third party plugins, for I'm not using any. The only plugin I needed and used was the colorpicker plugin in CS4, The HUD colorpicker is the main reason I upgraded to CS5. After all these years we finally have a good colorpicker, and then this problem.
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I'm having the same exact issue. iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 w/ 8gb RAM, Wacom Intuos4 Tablet.
Everything described above is the same for me, but the strange thing is that I have been using CS5 for a few weeks now and the problem just started happening to me right in the middle of an edit. Restarted everything, tried booting in 32-bit, nothing I do will make it stop. It even does it while I'm in the Preferences menu, it dances between the arrow and the hand.
It is very annoying to say the least. When I paint the oscillating brush/mouse pointer turns into a solid mouse and I have to guess where the edge is at. God I hope there's a solution soon!
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@horkington ... i hope too! 😕
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Sometimes, after working on large files, making huge edits with brush tools, occasionally I'll be stuck with the brush tool when I want to change to the move tool, or any other tool. So any tool I change to, the correct tool is highlighted, but it will still be a brush. Only fix is to restart Photoshop.
I think there are tons of bugs with GL, I've come across almost everyday that forces me to restart... and i'm still on CS4, moving to CS5 now....I ran the demo for a month, seems the same unfortunately. Graphics Update did not help much, but at least someone is aware.
I have to say this hasn't been the most stable last 2 years for MacPro/Photoshop combo. We spend a lot of cash for these updates/upgrades, and lots of times we end up with issues that prevent us from efficiently getting our jobs done. Yet one upgrade needs another, life gets faster, demands increase... we must update. Rather than features, I really prefer performance enhancements. A lot of this new stuff seems like it's for internet kids who only want to superimpose photos. Some of us actually have work to do.
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Are you a specialist?
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Have you considered asking a question with more than 4 words, to get a proper response... yet? Or are you still working on it?
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I am sorry for that..I am new and it's my first time to send an email to a foreign people,so i don't know much about the practice. Sorry for that. I am Echo, nice to meet you ..Where are you from?
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Any chance those also effected by the slow painting all have Nvidia video cards? I have access to 3x Mac pros with these cards (updated and w/openGL off) and they all have same problem but my old macbook pro with ATI Raedon card is fine
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ATI Radeon HD 4850
My problem may be different as it is with the cursor dancing between whatever tool I'm using and the black arrow, but I haven't noticed any performance issues. Just the cursor disappears while I am painting and I have to guess where the boundaries are of the brush I am using.
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OPEN GL <on>
Similar to above. We just upgraded to CS5 to see if it works any better, also performed some maintenance (font cache, permissions).
Brush cursor changes to a standard black arrow. When I hit "E" the eraser cursor does appear, but hit "B", and arrow, again. Keep messing around between "E" and "B" and you can get the proper brush cursor back.
No sense worrying, hopefully the 10.6.5 will bring the smooth Photoshopping back.
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We've seen cursor problems caused by third party plugins, and some versions of the wacom tablet drivers.
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I'm also having the flickering curser problem with cs5 and the wacom tablet pen. I'm not clear on what we should be doing. Chris, do you have any advice? I would rather just go back to Photoshop CS4 at this point.
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Hello everybody,
I can't belive nobody hasn't come up with a fix for this problem. I mean cs5 and intuos4 won't work properly on mac!
Somebody, please!
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We've got a fix in-hand and are currently testing it to ensure that it solves your issue. I can't comment on when it'll be available, but just know that we're aware of the problem and are working to get a solution out to users ASAP.
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Great to hear Adam. I hope you guys will get it work soon, good luck!
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That's great, best news I've heard in months. Hope it'd be complete soon, good luck.
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It's mid November. Where's the fix? I've used a Macbook Pro i7 since August and occasionally using a Wacom Graphire3 tablet. No problem.
Hoping it will be here, ASAP.
Wacom, Apple, and CS5 are problematic for me. The pen does not funk out in other programs until after it freezes while using it in CS5 Photoshop.
Switching between the key commands for hand and direct selection tool (A) it will hang/freeze on the hand. I have to restart the whole computer because the cursor freezes in the hand no matter what program or where I go to on my computer. I started having problems after I upgraded the tablet driver. The pen was too jumpy making it difficult to grab the pen handles. The problem did not occur when using the pen tool, only after I tried to edit using the direct selection.
I switched the driver but the problem remains. Quitting Photoshop does not alleviate the problem.
I can't go back to CS3. I moved straight to CS5 after the third Nvidia card fried my last Macbook Pro.
Eager for that fix!
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I'm having the same problem. Just purchased my 27" 2.8 iMac. Retouching in PS CS5 and i noticed my cursor was 'jumping' every now and then when brushing with my Intuos4 Medium. I went to trusty google and came across this thread. Not happy
I'd love it to be fixed!
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I want to thank all of you for your posts in my adobe forum thread!!
I can't belive how many of you got the same problem!
I'm not using CS5 anymore since my problem!!! I use it for some kind of graphic works ( Content-Aware Fill is very usefull) but anymore with my wacom!
I'm using CS4 for my personal painting works with wacom intuos 4L.
Is impossible to paint with CS5.... so all of us are waiting for some update or fix.
Thank you again......
adobe WAKE UP! what are you waitin' for?
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The 12.0.2 update addresses the original issue posted on this thread:
(not the Apple API change issue listed just above this post). We're still working with Apple on the issue since it affects more products than just Photoshop.
Message was edited by: Jeffrey Tranberry
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Damn you I was waiting to send this out too.
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Hi both
Have updated to 12.0.2 and things seem to have been corrected. Many thanks
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Oh finally. Can't wait to test it, thanks!
Tested, it still keeps happening on my winXP 32bit/ Intuos4, though it already shows 12.0.2, too bad ... It seems more likely to happen when I do layer operations or have opened to many other programs and windows.
--and my win7 64bit/ Intuos3, too... are we talking about the same bug?
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I just started noticing this brush cursor/arrow jumping problem today and arrived here after googling it. I already have the 12.0.2 update and I am still experiencing the problem. It's EXTREMELY annoying.