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hey all,
I'm using Photoshop CC on Windows, fully updated. The previous version did this too.
If my brush has, say, Size Jitter set to pen pressure, and i set it to "off", it will turn back on Pen Pressure the moment I try to paint. Seems to only do this with Size Jitter setting.
Another issue is if I set the Angle Jitter to Rotation or something, that is then applied to ALL other brushes. And no, I am not just selevting a new brush tip (i'm using the right click pop up brush preset menu to select brushes).
Any idea why this is happening? I'm losing my mind, as well as jobs (i can't paint!)
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Could you please post screenshots with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Brush Settings, Options Bar, …) visible?
What happens if you save a new Brush Preset after turning the Size Jitter off?
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Stupid captions didnt post, and photos are out of the order i submitted them.
When setting Size Jitter to "off", the stroke doesnt change.
When painting immediately affter switching it to Off, it reverts back to "Pen Pressure"
These settings are then applied globally to all other brushes I switch to, overriding each brushe's saved settings.