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Changine Line Weight after a line has already been drawn

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Aug 26, 2017 Aug 26, 2017

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I am using Photoshop Release 2017.1.1.  Let's say I use the Line Tool to draw a Line with a Stroke Width of 10 px and a Line Weight of 100 px.  After drawing this Line, I leave it selected.  Then I change the Line Weight setting to 200 px.  This does not change the Line Weight of the existing Line I already drew, but if I draw a new Line, the new Line has the thicker Line Weight (200 px).

Now I would like to change the Line Weight of the first Line.  As long as I select the Layer that this Line is on, I can select the Line with either the Direct Selection Tool or the Path Selection Tool.  Whichever Selection Tool I use, I am able to change the Stroke Width by changing the value where I have circled in Blue below...

... but I cannot figure out how to change the Line Weight.  If anyone can give me a clue, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jul 09, 2019 Jul 09, 2019

Here is a script that will change the line width and size of arrowheads. It will not change a line into an arrow or an arrow into a line.

#target photoshop

//copyright 2017 Chuck Uebele, all rights reserved

//Use at your own risk.

var xmlFile = new File(Folder.desktop+'/ArrowPrefs.xml');

var xmlPref


    xmlPref = readXMLFile (xmlFile)




else{xmlPref = new XML('<root><prefs><li




Community Expert ,
Aug 26, 2017 Aug 26, 2017

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You can't using the line tool, but you can if you use the pen tool and a single path that can be stroked to the size you want.





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Aug 26, 2017 Aug 26, 2017

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Thanks Chuck,

If I use the Pen Tool to draw a single (straight) line segment, do you know if there is a way that I can put an Arrowhead at either the Start or the End like I can with the Line Tool?  This is primarily what I use the Line Tool for - drawing arrows to annotate pictures.

It would be nice if I could adjust the Line Weight of these arrows after I drew them, but it is not the end of the world if I had to delete an arrow and draw a new one if I want a different weight.  If using the Pen Tool will make creating arrows more difficult, I'll probably stick with the Line Tool.

Thanks again,





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Aug 26, 2017 Aug 26, 2017

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No, I don't know of a way to do an arrowhead from the pen tool, other than drawing it, which would be a pain.





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Contributor ,
Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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First of all, I'd like to admit the issue You're encountering with line weight is the most frustrating and unintuitive option in Photoshop. And I've been Photoshop user for ages (12 or so)...

How the heck one could understand which variable changes the line weight: is it stroke, width or height (these seems to work) or actually weight?

None of them seems to work when You already drew a line. Only height or width if You drew a straight one. On the other hand, weight works perfectly if You set it BEFORE You draw a line - which is stupid because when You want to change existing line, You must draw a new one.





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Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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I've been Photoshop user for ages (12 or so)...

What does that mean?

Just use a Shape Layer and set its Stroke in the Options Bar and don’t use the Line Tool if you do not like it.






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Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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That means they never fixed this issue and many of us had and have problems with it. Your fix doesn't work if You create the line and then want to change it's weight. Actually it's not working in either way (when You set the stroke first and then draw a line) since the stroke acts like inside-stroke, not outside.

Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 16.41.53.png





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Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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Actually it's not working in either way (when You set the stroke first and then draw a line) since the stroke acts like inside-stroke, not outside.

Just create a two point open Path with the Pen Tool instead of using the Line Tool you apparently do not like anyway.

And do you really have problems figuring out how to change the Stroke Alignment from inside to middle or outside?

That means they never fixed this issue and many of us had and have problems with it.

How did you hide that meaning in the sentence

I've been Photoshop user for ages (12 or so)...

? To me it seemed like a statement regarding the length of time you have been using Photoshop.

Edit: To me is seemed effectively unclear what »12 ages« means – 12 years or something else …?





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Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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Aug 30, 2017 Aug 30, 2017

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The Line tool only draws a long skinny rectangle, with optional arrowheads -


The behavior you desire is found in Illustrator, where the line weight stroke is applied to a path. You can then change the stroke at any time, or even have multiple strokes simultaneously.






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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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Guys, I know there's a workaround in creating a path with the Pen tool but that wasn't the topic. We asked why isn't there a possibility to edit a line weight after creating a line. Why would they give us option of having a Line tool when it creates only 1px lines?

@c.plaffenbichler - did You finish at least primary school? Do you know what "reading comprehension" means? The sentence of being a Photoshop user for ages meant what it supposed to mean. Or do you maybe have some kind of problems with yourself and try to dump all your frustration on forums? Good luck with that and hope you get well very soon





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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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he sentence of being a Photoshop user for ages meant what it supposed to mean.

As you failed to clarify what exactly you meant by »ages (12 or so)« the meaning is still not clear. (edited)

Why would they give us option of having a Line tool when it creates only 1px lines?

The Line Tool creates rectangular paths of the »Weight« one sets in the Options Bar, if you chose 1px then that’s your choice.

The Line Tool itself is fairly old, if you still use it that is, again, your choice.

And I would not expect improvements on the Tool as the more recently introduced Shape Layer Stroke offers more flexibility in some regards anyway.

Guys, I know there's a workaround in creating a path with the Pen tool but that wasn't the topic.

But did you understand the Shape Layer Stroke feature as applied to a Shape Layer with simple two-point open Path?





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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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he sentence of being a Photoshop user for ages meant what it supposed to mean.

As you failed to clarify what exactly you meant by »ages« the meaning is still not clear.

By ages I meant I've started using Photoshop around Photoshop 7 and Photoshop CS. This is why there were years put in brackets what specifies what I meant by "ages".

Why would they give us option of having a Line tool when it creates only 1px lines?

The Line Tool creates rectangular paths of the »Weight« one sets in the Options Bar, if you chose 1px then that’s your choice.

The Line Tool itself is fairly old, if you still use it that is, again, your choice.

And I would not expect improvements on the Tool as the more recently introduced Shape Layer Stroke offers more flexibility in some regards anyway.

Yes, I did understand that and this is why I said the problem occurs when one wants to change the weight AFTER drawing a line. You can not simply choose the layer and then change the weight of it. Instead, You must create a new line but FIRST specify the weight. What if someone creates a flowchart for example and after finishing the work the decides to change the weight of few lines?

Guys, I know there's a workaround in creating a path with the Pen tool but that wasn't the topic.

But did you understand the Shape Layer Stroke feature as applied to a Shape Layer with simple two-point open Path?

Yes I did. But do You understand both are shape layers - one created with Line tool and another created with Pen tool? So as long as they're both vectors why isn't there an option to change it's weight afterwards?

Do You understand we're aware of workarounds, we're aware of Illustrator and such but this is more of a "why they did it this or that way" question?





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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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This is why there were years put in brackets what specifies what I meant by "ages".

Apparently you had omitted the word »years«.

What if someone creates a flowchart for example and after finishing the work the decides to change the weight of few lines?

They should not have used the Line Tool but the Pen Tool then, or the Rectangle Tool with its recently introduced »Live Shape Properties«.

Edit: Admittedly having to create the arrowheads separately is inconvenient.

Do You understand we're aware of workarounds, we're aware of Illustrator and such but this is more of a "why they did it this or that way" question?

Quite frankly I doubt the person/s originally responsible for that Tool are still with the Photoshop team so it seems unlikely to get that kind of explanation.

I think the Tool preceded Shape Layers, so it was probably geared at straight pixel or plain path output, live-updating of numeric entries was probably not feasible for these at the time.

Photoshop has several »old« features (the Colour Replacement Tool comes to mind) that I would not recommend to anybody, but removing them might be a problem for the sake of old-time users and possibly because of the code itself.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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Paul, I think I agree with you.  The line tool is a pain in that you can edit after the fact as you can with the other Shape tool. You can Free Transform it, but if you want to keep the arrow head consistent with line width, you then need to use the Direct Selection tool, drag across the relative points, and change them.

So using FT on the upper line increases line width but makes it too long.

You then need to select the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) and drag a window across the end points.

And correct the length thus.  Although what I nearly always do is adjust the width in the Options bar, and make another one.  It is definitely not ideal.





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Contributor ,
Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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Thank You sincerely Trevor.Dennis for this thorough explanation, got the point!

What if someone creates a flowchart for example and after finishing the work the decides to change the weight of few lines?

They should not have used the Line Tool but the Pen Tool then, or the Rectangle Tool with its recently introduced »Live Shape Properties«.

Edit: Admittedly having to create the arrowheads separately is inconvenient.

Do You understand we're aware of workarounds, we're aware of Illustrator and such but this is more of a "why they did it this or that way" question?

Quite frankly I doubt the person/s originally responsible for that Tool are still with the Photoshop team so it seems unlikely to get that kind of explanation.

I think the Tool preceded Shape Layers, so it was probably geared at straight pixel or plain path output, live-updating of numeric entries was probably not feasible for these at the time.

Photoshop has several »old« features (the Colour Replacement Tool comes to mind) that I would not recommend to anybody, but removing them might be a problem for the sake of old-time users and possibly because of the code itself.

And now we talk like gentlemans, c.pfaffenbichler​. It's quite strange they (Adobe) have usability problems being a market standard. Especially when most of us got used to strange UI modifications in apps known for years. It's the same kind of issue like in the forums - how one could know the difference between "advanced editor" and "full editor" in new "fast reply" window. I've been using this forums for few years and even to me it was confusing. It's the basics of UX and I'd like to point out that they got Adobe XD app which most of us use everyday for designing a UX It may be the code problem though.





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Mentor ,
Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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paulwieczorek  wrote

It's quite strange they (Adobe) have usability problems being a market standard. Especially when most of us got used to strange UI modifications in apps known for years. It's the same kind of issue like in the forums - how one could know the difference between "advanced editor" and "full editor" in new "fast reply" window. I've been using this forums for few years and even to me it was confusing. It's the basics of UX and I'd like to point out that they got Adobe XD app which most of us use everyday for designing a UX It may be the code problem though.

Photoshop's UI decisions go back to the very beginning - the nineties. Precisely because it *is* the "industry standard" as far as image editors goes, PS suffers from legacy GUI and code base issues that would take a complete re-write in parts to fix properly. Take the pseudo "16bit" mode that is actually a 15bit one, for example, and the image pyramid resulting in banding when zoomed out beyond ~66.67%. Or the one bitmap/one vector mask per layer limitation.

Or in the case of selecting/changing colours when working with shapes and bitmap layers: the regular colour selectors cannot be used with vector shapes, and vice versa. In other image editors any colour selector can be used either for bitmap colours or for vector shapes. Not so in Photoshop: as far as I can see, the vector engine was adapted from elsewhere and bolted on top of Photoshop, rather than integrating it fully. Why else bother users with two separated colour selector GUIs- one for bitmap mode, and one for vector shapes mode? Very, very silly indeed.

It's the same for the line tool: whoever wrote it had to work around the lack of a stroke width implementation at the time. Vectors in Photoshop's code could not be rendered directly to the screen with an arbitrary set width. The simple solution was to create a four-point rectangle. Later the vector engine was bolted on top, and no-one bothered rewriting the code for the line tool and/or made the decision to remove/replace it.

After almost three decades of continuous development Photoshop would benefit from a good cleanup.





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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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I've been playing around with the line tool and attempting to script a solution. The straight line was pretty easy, but the arrow heads are more difficult. Trying to figure out the geometry they used to create the various lengths. Here's what I have so far, the top view is a 40px line changed to a 80px line. the bottom image just shows the new placement of the ends of the arrow head at 80px rather than 40 ps. Just figuring out the arrow's convex feature. Seems to be the length of the line rather than the distance from the base of the arrow. Need to brush up on how to get the intersection between a line and a circle to place those points properly.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 31, 2017 Aug 31, 2017

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Need to brush up on how to get the intersection between a line and a circle to place those points properly.

Would intersecting two lines not suffice?





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Participant ,
Sep 01, 2017 Sep 01, 2017

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Hi Chuck, c.pfaffenbichler, Trevor.Dennis, Paul, and Semaphoric,

Thanks for all of your responses.  I never thought this question would have sparked such an in depth discussion.  I greatly appreciate all your help.  My take on this is that the Line tool in Photoshop is not quite as flexible as I would like for annotating photos with arrows (or more specifically, lines with arrowheads).  I appreciate the workarounds that you all have suggested and it looks like I can certainly accomplish what I need/want to do.  This discussion has reminded me (or made me aware), however, that Illustrator might be a more appropriate and flexible tool for this particular task.  I am relatively new to Illustrator (as I am to Photoshop as well) but I will try to learn how to do this in Illustrator.  I will compare it to the suggested photoshop workarounds and decide which tool I prefer.  I am sure I will learn something in the process. 

Thank you all - this forum has been a great resource for me as I am trying to get more comfortable with these Adobe applications.

Best regards,





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Mentor ,
Sep 01, 2017 Sep 01, 2017

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One more option is to create the arrow in Illustrator, and place it in your Photoshop document. But it still remains very awkward that Illustrator has a proper line with arrow tool, and Photoshop does not (or at least, a shape-based one of which the stroke width and properties cannot be edited easily after creating one).

Part of my job is creating a lot of screenshots in which I have to place arrow(s) to indicate the important parts for lesson materials, and doing this Photoshop/Illustrator just took too much time in the end. I switched to an alternative image editor that does have a proper line/arrow tool with which I can quickly and efficiently annotate images.

Not saying you can't or shouldn't do it in Photoshop and/or Illustrator, of course. I just found it to be an inefficient workflow, because I often need to do small image edits which a bitmap image editor does well, while adding vector-based lines with arrow heads, which only Illustrator does well. Ideally for this type of job (in particular when you have to create a lot of images with annotations) both are supported in the same application, because switching between apps all the time just is very, very inefficient for a simple job like this. Which was the reason I decided to look elsewhere.





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New Here ,
Jul 09, 2019 Jul 09, 2019

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If you're creating a straight line, you're better off using the rectangle shape tool and properties panel to change the width of the shape. Another option is to create the custom shape in Adobe Illustrator, which will allow you to add arrowheads to a stroke and import the vector graphic as a smart object. The smart object will allow you edit the shape in Illustrator and update the PSD layer.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 09, 2019 Jul 09, 2019

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Here is a script that will change the line width and size of arrowheads. It will not change a line into an arrow or an arrow into a line.

#target photoshop

//copyright 2017 Chuck Uebele, all rights reserved

//Use at your own risk.

var xmlFile = new File(Folder.desktop+'/ArrowPrefs.xml');

var xmlPref


    xmlPref = readXMLFile (xmlFile)




else{xmlPref = new XML('<root><prefs><lines/><arrows/></prefs>')};

//varables for lines and points

var run = true;

var lineType;

var origLineWidth;

var lineAngTan1;//from first point to oppsite side of line

var lineAngTan2;//From oppsite side of line to first point

var lineLengthAng;

var lineLength;

var lineMid1;//mid width on line from first point

var lineMid2;//mid width on line from oppsite end of line

var newWidth = 20

var ptTemp1

var ptTemp2

var ptTemp3

var ptTemp4

var dropLst = new Array()

var prefsDrop

var headIntersect1;

var headIntersect2;


var arrowLength;

var arrowWidth;

var arrowEndsMid;

var arrowConcave;

var arrowConcaveFactor;

var arrowLengthFactor;

var arrowWidthFactor;


app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;


    var doc = activeDocument

    var sLay = doc.activeLayer

    var sLayName = sLay.name + ' Shape Path'

    var cPath = doc.pathItems.getByName(sLayName)

    var ptArray = new Array();

    var ptNewArray = new Array();

    var idPath;

//var numAnchors = cPath.subPathItems[0].pathPoints.length;

recordAnchors (cPath);

var numAnchors = ptArray.length;



    run = false;

    var numAnchors=0



    case 4:

        lineType = 'Normal Line'

        origLineWidth = lineL (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1]);

        lineAngTan1 = getAng (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1]);

        lineAngTan2 = getAng (ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1]);

        lineMid1 = [(ptArray[0][0] + ptArray[1][0])/2,(ptArray[0][1] + ptArray[1][1])/2 ]; 

        lineMid2 = [(ptArray[2][0] + ptArray[3][0])/2,(ptArray[2][1] + ptArray[3][1])/2 ];


        ui ();


        ptNewArray[0] = newPt (lineMid1[0],lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

        ptNewArray[3] = newPt (lineMid2[0],lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

        ptNewArray[1] = newPt (lineMid1[0],lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);

        ptNewArray[2] = newPt (lineMid2[0],lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);


    case 7:

        if(Math.round (getAng (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[6][0], ptArray[6][1]))==Math.round (getAng (ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1]))){


            lineType = 'Single Arrow End';

            origLineWidth = lineL (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1]);

            lineAngTan1 = getAng (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1]);

            lineAngTan2 = getAng (ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1]);

            lineMid1 = [(ptArray[1][0] + ptArray[0][0])/2,(ptArray[1][1] + ptArray[0][1])/2 ]; 

            lineMid2 = [(ptArray[2][0] + ptArray[6][0])/2,(ptArray[2][1] + ptArray[6][1])/2 ];

            arrowEndsMid = [(ptArray[3][0] + ptArray[5][0])/2,(ptArray[3][1] + ptArray[5][1])/2 ];           

            arrowLength = lineL (ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1]);             

            arrowWidth = lineL (ptArray[5][0], ptArray[5][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1]);           

            arrowConcaveFactor = getConcaveFactor (ptArray[6][0], ptArray[6][1], ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], ptArray[5][0], ptArray[5][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1]);

            arrowLengthFactor = Math.round((arrowLength/origLineWidth)*100);

            arrowWidthFactor = Math.round((arrowWidth/origLineWidth)*100);           

            lineLengthAng = getAng (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1],ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1]);


            ui ()

            //New points

            arrowEndsMid = newPt (ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], newWidth*arrowLengthFactor*.01, lineLengthAng);           

            ptNewArray[5] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan1);

            ptNewArray[3] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan2);

            ptNewArray[1] = newPt (lineMid1[0], lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);

            ptNewArray[0] = newPt (lineMid1[0], lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);          

            ptTemp1 = newPt (lineMid2[0], lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);           

            ptTemp2 = newPt (lineMid2[0], lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);             

            headIntersect1= getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptNewArray[0][0], ptNewArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], ptNewArray[5][0], ptNewArray[5][1]);           

            headIntersect2= getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);           

            ptTemp3 = getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptNewArray[0][0], ptNewArray[0][1], ptNewArray[5][0], ptNewArray[5][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);           

            ptTemp4 = getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptNewArray[5][0], ptNewArray[5][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);           

            arrowConcave = lineL (headIntersect1[0], headIntersect1[1], ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1])*arrowConcaveFactor*.01;           

            ptNewArray[6] = newPt (ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);           

            ptNewArray[2] = newPt (ptTemp4[0], ptTemp4[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);          




            lineType = 'Single Arrow Start';

            origLineWidth = lineL (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1]);

            lineAngTan1 = getAng (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1]);

            lineAngTan2 = getAng (ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1]);

            lineMid1 = [(ptArray[4][0] + ptArray[0][0])/2,(ptArray[4][1] + ptArray[0][1])/2 ]; 

            lineMid2 = [(ptArray[5][0] + ptArray[6][0])/2,(ptArray[5][1] + ptArray[6][1])/2 ];

            arrowEndsMid = [(ptArray[1][0] + ptArray[3][0])/2,(ptArray[1][1] + ptArray[3][1])/2 ]

            arrowLength = lineL (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1]);        

            arrowWidth = lineL (ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1]);

            arrowConcaveFactor = getConcaveFactor (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[6][0], ptArray[6][1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1])

            arrowLengthFactor = Math.round((arrowLength/origLineWidth)*100);

            arrowWidthFactor = Math.round((arrowWidth/origLineWidth)*100);

            lineLengthAng = getAng (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1],ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1]);



            ui ()

            //New points

            arrowEndsMid = newPt (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], newWidth*arrowLengthFactor*.01, lineLengthAng);

            ptNewArray[1] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan1);

            ptNewArray[3] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan2);

            ptNewArray[5] = newPt (lineMid2[0], lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);

            ptNewArray[6] = newPt (lineMid2[0], lineMid2[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

            ptTemp1 = newPt (lineMid1[0], lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

            ptTemp2 = newPt (lineMid1[0], lineMid1[1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);   

            headIntersect1= getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptNewArray[6][0], ptNewArray[6][1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1])

            headIntersect2= getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptNewArray[5][0], ptNewArray[5][1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1])

            ptTemp3 = getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptNewArray[6][0], ptNewArray[6][1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1])

            ptTemp4 = getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptNewArray[5][0], ptNewArray[5][1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1])

            arrowConcave = lineL (headIntersect1[0], headIntersect1[1], ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1])*arrowConcaveFactor*.01;

            ptNewArray[0] = newPt (ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);

            ptNewArray[4] = newPt (ptTemp4[0], ptTemp4[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);




    case 10:

            lineType = 'Double Arrow';

            origLineWidth = lineL (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1]);

            lineAngTan1 = getAng (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1]);

            lineAngTan2 = getAng (ptArray[4][0], ptArray[4][1], ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1]);                

            arrowEndsMid = [(ptArray[1][0] + ptArray[3][0])/2,(ptArray[1][1] + ptArray[3][1])/2 ];           

            arrowLength = lineL (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1]);            

            arrowWidth = lineL (ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1]);           

            arrowConcaveFactor = getConcaveFactor (ptArray[0][0], ptArray[0][1], ptArray[9][0], ptArray[9][1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptArray[1][0], ptArray[1][1], ptArray[3][0], ptArray[3][1]);

            arrowLengthFactor = Math.round((arrowLength/origLineWidth)*100);

            arrowWidthFactor = Math.round((arrowWidth/origLineWidth)*100);

            lineLengthAng = getAng (ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1],ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1]);   


            ui ()

            //new points

            arrowEndsMid = newPt (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], newWidth*arrowLengthFactor*.01, lineLengthAng);

            ptNewArray[1] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan1);           

            ptNewArray[3] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan2);

            arrowEndsMid = newPt (ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1], -newWidth*arrowLengthFactor*.01, lineLengthAng);

            ptNewArray[8] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan1);           

            ptNewArray[6] = newPt (arrowEndsMid[0], arrowEndsMid[1], (newWidth*arrowWidthFactor *.01)/2, lineAngTan2);           

            ptTemp1 = newPt (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

            var ptTemp1a = newPt (ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan1);

            ptTemp2 = newPt (ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);

            var ptTemp2a = newPt (ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1], newWidth/2, lineAngTan2);


            headIntersect1= getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptTemp1a[0], ptTemp1a[1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1]);

            headIntersect2= getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptTemp2a[0], ptTemp2a[1], ptArray[2][0], ptArray[2][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);

            var headIntersect3= getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptTemp1a[0], ptTemp1a[1], ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1], ptNewArray[8][0], ptNewArray[8][1]);

            var headIntersect4= getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptTemp2a[0], ptTemp2a[1], ptArray[7][0], ptArray[7][1], ptNewArray[6][0], ptNewArray[6][1]);

            ptTemp3 = getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptTemp1a[0], ptTemp1a[1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);

            var ptTemp3a = getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptTemp2a[0], ptTemp2a[1], ptNewArray[1][0], ptNewArray[1][1], ptNewArray[3][0], ptNewArray[3][1]);

            ptTemp4 = getIntersect (ptTemp1[0], ptTemp1[1], ptTemp1a[0], ptTemp1a[1], ptNewArray[6][0], ptNewArray[6][1], ptNewArray[8][0], ptNewArray[8][1]);

            var ptTemp4a = getIntersect (ptTemp2[0], ptTemp2[1], ptTemp2a[0], ptTemp2a[1], ptNewArray[6][0], ptNewArray[6][1], ptNewArray[8][0], ptNewArray[8][1]);


           arrowConcave = lineL (headIntersect1[0], headIntersect1[1], ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1])*arrowConcaveFactor*.01;

           ptNewArray[0] = newPt (ptTemp3[0], ptTemp3[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);

           ptNewArray[4] = newPt (ptTemp3a[0], ptTemp3a[1], -arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);     


           ptNewArray[9] = newPt (ptTemp4[0], ptTemp4[1], arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);

           ptNewArray[5] = newPt (ptTemp4a[0], ptTemp4a[1], arrowConcave, lineLengthAng);             




        run = false;

        alert("The layer selected didn't match the criteria for a line or arrow")

    }//end switch


    var myPathInfo = mkNewPathInfo ();

    deltPath ();

    var tempPath = app.activeDocument.pathItems.add( 'temp', myPathInfo);

    selPath ();

    doc.activeLayer = sLay;

    mkPath ()




function ui(){

    var dlg = new Window('dialog','Edit Line Tool Line');

        dlg.location =[1800,200];

        dlg.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

            dlg.lType = dlg.add('statictext',undefined,lineType);       

            dlg.wGp = dlg.add('group');

                dlg.wGp.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

                dlg.wGp.sTxts = dlg.wGp.add('statictext',undefined,'Line Width');

                dlg.wGp.eTxt = dlg.wGp.add('edittext',undefined,Math.round(origLineWidth));

                    dlg.wGp.eTxt.size = [50,12];

                dlg.wGp.sTxte = dlg.wGp.add('statictext',undefined,'px');


            if(lineType!='Normal Line'){

                for(var i=0;i<xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children().length();i++){

                    dropLst= xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children().@preset




                for(var i=0;i<xmlPref.prefs.lines.children().length();i++){

                    dropLst= xmlPref.prefs.lines.children().@preset



            if(lineType!='Normal Line'){

                dlg.aLgp = dlg.add('group');

                    dlg.aLgp.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

                    dlg.aLgp.sTxts = dlg.aLgp.add('statictext',undefined,'Arrow Length');

                    dlg.aLgp.ALen = dlg.aLgp.add('edittext',undefined,arrowLengthFactor);

                        dlg.aLgp.ALen.size = [50,12];

                    dlg.aLgp.sTxte = dlg.aLgp.add('statictext',undefined,'%');


                dlg.aWgp = dlg.add('group');

                    dlg.aWgp.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

                    dlg.aWgp.sTxts = dlg.aWgp.add('statictext',undefined,'Arrow Width');

                    dlg.aWgp.AWid = dlg.aWgp.add('edittext',undefined,arrowWidthFactor);

                        dlg.aWgp.AWid.size = [50,12];

                    dlg.aWgp.sTxte = dlg.aWgp.add('statictext',undefined,'%');    


                dlg.aConGp = dlg.add('group');

                    dlg.aConGp.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

                    dlg.aConGp.sTxts = dlg.aConGp.add('statictext',undefined,'Arrow Concave');

                    dlg.aConGp.ACon = dlg.aConGp.add('edittext',undefined,arrowConcaveFactor);

                        dlg.aConGp.ACon.size = [50,12];

                    dlg.aConGp.sTxte = dlg.aConGp.add('statictext',undefined,'%');                     



            dlg.btnGp = dlg.add('group');

            dlg.btnGp.okay = dlg.btnGp.add('button',undefined,'Okay');

            dlg.btnGp.cancel = dlg.btnGp.add('button',undefined,'Cancel');


        dlg.prefsPn = dlg.add('panel',undefined,'Preferences');

            dlg.prefsPn.alignChildren = ['left','top'];

            dlg.prefsPn.save = dlg.prefsPn.add('button',undefined,'Save Preference');

            dlg.prefsPn.del = dlg.prefsPn.add('button',undefined,'Delete Preference');


            prefsDrop = dlg.prefsPn.add('dropdownlist',undefined,dropLst);

            prefsDrop.title = 'Load Preferences';           

            prefsDrop.size = [300,25];     


        prefsDrop.onChange = function(){

            if(lineType!='Normal Line'){

                dlg.wGp.eTxt.text = xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children()[parseInt(prefsDrop.selection)].width

                dlg.aLgp.ALen.text = xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children()[parseInt(prefsDrop.selection)].leng

                dlg.aWgp.AWid.text = xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children()[parseInt(prefsDrop.selection)].aWidth

                dlg.aConGp.ACon.text = xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children()[parseInt(prefsDrop.selection)].concave



                dlg.wGp.eTxt.text = xmlPref.prefs.lines.children()[parseInt(prefsDrop.selection)].width




        dlg.wGp.eTxt.onChange = function(){

            textToNum (1, 1000, dlg.wGp.eTxt, origLineWidth);


        if(lineType!='Normal Line'){       

            dlg.aLgp.ALen.onChange = function(){

                textToNum (1, 10000, dlg.aLgp.ALen, arrowLengthFactor);



            dlg.aWgp.AWid.onChange = function(){

                textToNum (1, 10000, dlg.aWgp.AWid, arrowWidthFactor);



            dlg.aWgp.AWid.onChange = function(){

                textToNum (-50, 50, dlg.aConGp.ACon, arrowConcaveFactor);


        }//end if


            dlg.prefsPn.save.onClick = function(){

                savePrefs ();



            dlg.prefsPn.del.onClick = function(){

                if(prefsDrop.selection != null){

                    var selc = parseInt(prefsDrop.selection);                   


                    if(lineType!='Normal Line'){

                        delete xmlPref.prefs.arrows.children()[selc];



                        delete xmlPref.prefs.lines.children()[selc];


                    writeXMLFile (xmlFile, xmlPref)




        dlg.btnGp.okay.onClick = function(){


            newWidth = parseInt (dlg.wGp.eTxt.text);

                if(lineType!='Normal Line'){

                arrowLengthFactor = parseInt (dlg.aLgp.ALen.text);

                arrowWidthFactor = parseInt (dlg.aWgp.AWid.text);

                arrowConcaveFactor = parseInt (dlg.aConGp.ACon.text);




        dlg.btnGp.cancel.onClick = function(){           

            run = false;




function savePrefs(){

    var newName = prompt ('Enter New Profile Name', '', 'Save Preferences');

    var prefGood = true;

    for(var i=0;i<prefsDrop.items.length;i++){

        if(prefsDrop.items.text == newName){

            newName = prompt ('That preset exists\nPlease choose a unique name','', 'Save Preferences' );





        if(lineType=='Normal Line'){

            xmlPref.prefs.lines.appendChild (XML('<line preset="'+ newName+ '"><width>'+dlg.wGp.eTxt.text+'</width></line>'));



            xmlPref.prefs.arrows.appendChild (XML('<arrow preset="'+ newName+ '"><width>'+dlg.wGp.eTxt.text+'</width><leng>'+dlg.aLgp.ALen.text+'</leng><aWidth>'+dlg.aWgp.AWid.text+'</aWidth><concave>'+dlg.aConGp.ACon.text+'</concave></arrow>'));


        writeXMLFile (xmlFile, xmlPref)





function textToNum(sMin,sMax,e,def){

    def=Math.round (def)

    var sHold = def;


            alert('"' + e.text + '" is not a number\nEnter a value between ' + sMin + '-' + sMax );

            e.text = def};


                sHold = parseInt(e.text)

            if(sHold < sMin){


                sHold = sMin;               


            if(sHold > sMax){


                sHold = sMax;


            e.text = sHold;


    function rangeAlert(){alert('Number range must be between ' + sMin + '-' + sMax)};

};//end function textToNum

function getConcaveFactor(x1,y1,x2,y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5){//1 & 2 =  shaft pt 1 &2; 3 & 4 = arrow length line; 5 = tail point opp side

    var ptAH = getIntersect (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);//intersection of shaft with sides of arrowhead

    //mkDot (ptAH)

    var ptTail = getIntersect (x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4, x5, y5);//Intersection of arrow tip ends cross shaft

    var conTotalLen = lineL (x1, y1, ptAH[0], ptAH[1]);//gets total length to see if the concave goes in toward the arrowhead or out

    var conFullLen =  lineL (ptTail[0], ptTail[1], ptAH[0], ptAH[1]);//length of arrow from end tips to intersection with shaft

    var conF = lineL (x1, y1, ptTail[0], ptTail[1])/conFullLen


    return Math.round(conF*100)


function getIntersect(x1,y1,x2,y2, x3, y3, x4, y4){

    var slope1 = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2);

    var bIntersect1 = y1-(slope1*x1)

    var slope2 = (y3-y4)/(x3-x4);

    var bIntersect2 = y3-(slope2*x3) 

    var xNew ;

    var yNew;



        yNew = slope2*xNew + bIntersect2;


    else if(bIntersect2=='-Infinity'||bIntersect2=='Infinity'){

        xNew = x3;

        yNew = slope1*xNew + bIntersect1;



        xNew= (-(bIntersect1-bIntersect2))/(slope1-slope2);

        yNew = slope1*xNew + bIntersect1




    return [xNew,yNew]


function recordAnchors(pathObj){

    ptArray = new Array();

    for(var i=0;i<pathObj.subPathItems[0].pathPoints.length;i++){

        ptNewArray = ptArray = pathObj.subPathItems[0].pathPoints.anchor;

        }//end loop

    }//end function

function mkNewPathInfo(){

    var pathArray = new Array();

    var piArray = new Array();

    for(var i=0;i<ptNewArray.length;i++){

         piArray = new PathPointInfo;

         piArray.kind = cPath.subPathItems[0].pathPoints.kind;

         piArray.anchor = ptNewArray;

         piArray.leftDirection = ptNewArray;

         piArray.rightDirection = ptNewArray;

        }//end loop

    pathArray[0] = new SubPathInfo();

    pathArray[0].operation = cPath.subPathItems[0].operation;

    pathArray[0].closed = cPath.subPathItems[0].closed;

    pathArray[0].entireSubPath = piArray; 

    return pathArray;

    };//end function


    function extractSubPathInfo(pathObj,oldPoint,newPoint){

        var pathArray = new Array();

        var pl = pathObj.subPathItems.length;

        for(var s=0;s<pl;s++){

            var pArray = new Array();

              for(var i=0;i<pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.length;i++){

                 pArray = new PathPointInfo;

                 pArray.kind = pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.kind;

             if(pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.anchor[0]==oldPoint[0] &&


                pArray.anchor = newPoint;

                pArray.leftDirection = newPoint;

                pArray.rightDirection = newPoint;


                pArray.anchor = pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.anchor;

                pArray.leftDirection = pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.leftDirection;

                pArray.rightDirection = pathObj.subPathItems.pathPoints.rightDirection;



            pathArray[pathArray.length] = new Array();

            pathArray[pathArray.length - 1] = new SubPathInfo();

            pathArray[pathArray.length - 1].operation = pathObj.subPathItems.operation;

            pathArray[pathArray.length - 1].closed = pathObj.subPathItems.closed;

            pathArray[pathArray.length - 1].entireSubPath = pArray;


        return pathArray;



    function deltPath(){

        var idDlt = charIDToTypeID( "Dlt " );

        var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();

        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );

            var ref1 = new ActionReference();

            idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

            var idvectorMask = stringIDToTypeID( "vectorMask" );

            ref1.putEnumerated( idPath, idPath, idvectorMask );

            var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " );

            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );

            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );

            ref1.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );

        desc2.putReference( idnull, ref1 );

        executeAction( idDlt, desc2, DialogModes.NO );



    function selPath(){

         var idslct = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );

            var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();

            var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );

                var ref1 = new ActionReference();

                var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

                ref1.putName( idPath, "temp" );

            desc2.putReference( idnull, ref1 );

        executeAction( idslct, desc2, DialogModes.NO );      



    function mkPath(){

         var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );

            var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();

            var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );

                var ref3 = new ActionReference();

                var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

                ref3.putClass( idPath );

            desc10.putReference( idnull, ref3 );

            var idAt = charIDToTypeID( "At  " );

                var ref4 = new ActionReference();

                var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

                var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

                var idvectorMask = stringIDToTypeID( "vectorMask" );

                ref4.putEnumerated( idPath, idPath, idvectorMask );

            desc10.putReference( idAt, ref4 );

            var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );

                var ref5 = new ActionReference();

                var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );

                var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );

                var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );

                ref5.putEnumerated( idPath, idOrdn, idTrgt );

            desc10.putReference( idUsng, ref5 );

        executeAction( idMk, desc10, DialogModes.NO );      



function lineL (ax,ay,bx,by){

    var x = Math.abs (ax-bx);

    var y = Math.abs (ay-by);

    var len = Math.sqrt (Math.pow (x, 2) + Math.pow (y, 2));

    return len


function getAng(ax,ay,bx,by){

    var dx = ax-bx;

    var dy = ay-by;

    var theta = Math.atan2 (dy, dx);

    //theta *= 180/Math.PI

    return theta;


function newPt (x1,y1,rad,ang){

    var newEnd = new Array();

    newEnd[0] = x1 + rad * Math.cos (ang);

    newEnd[1] = y1 + rad * Math.sin (ang);

    return newEnd;


//===============READ/WRITE functions========================================


function readXMLFile(file) {

    if (!file.exists) {

        alert( "Cannot find file: " + deodeURI(file.absoluteURI));



        file.encoding = "UTF8";

        file.lineFeed = "unix";

        file.open("r", "TEXT", "????");

        var str = file.read();


        return new XML(str);



function writeXMLFile(file, xml) {

    if (!(xml instanceof XML)) {

        alert( "Bad XML parameter");



        file.encoding = "UTF8";

        file.open("w", "TEXT", "????");

        //unicode signature, this is UTF16 but will convert to UTF8 "EF BB BF"


        file.lineFeed = "unix";










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