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I was using cs6 and i upgraded my mac to Catalina and nothing is compatible so I have to move forward to photoshop 2020 and i opened a project who has groups with color dodge on it and is not working, looks like painted with white color and not as brilliant colors, please help
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What exact version of Photoshop (go to Help >System info)?
I've just tested with v21.2 and Color Dodge looks to be working correctly on both layers and groups here.
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this is what i got... Adobe Photoshop Version: 21.2.0 20200604.r.225 2020/06/04: 02a81f3015 x64
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Yes it appears broken if we are to believe photoshop versions 6 thru cs6 are right and most version of photoshop cc (2017 thru 2020) are broken.
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There are several ways around the issue depending on what layer the color dodge is on.
If the Group itself is set Color Dodge then go to Layer>Layer Style>Blending Options, uncheck Transparency Shapes Layer and set the Fill Opacity to 99
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Actually it looks like the colour dodge brush is incorrect and that a previous error on layers vs groups has been corrected
Colour dodge is defined as Blend = Background / (1-Foreground) ) unless background is black in which case Blend = 0
So that should look exactly the same as inverting the Forground colour Fi = (1-F) then using Divide blending mode B/Fi
I used 50% grey for the background and 75% brightness for the foreground (or brush)
The left pair (normal should be the same and they are) The right three pairs should all look the same - they do not. The exception is the color dodge brush.