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Color is wrong when a PNG image is placed on the same page as JPG for Adobe Acrobat

Explorer ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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Here is my problem:

page 1.jpgexpand imagepage 2.jpgexpand imagepage 3.jpgexpand imagepage 4.jpgexpand image


Here is the file on my google drive so you can examine the PDF for yourself:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oaCQE6-Ja0ZCUKgOf43gUcP-TNlMEXu4/view?usp=sharing



UPDATE:  Guys, I created all the graphics in Photoshop.   YES, I embedd the ICC profile in the PNG file via the EXPORT->EXPORT AS in Photoshop.  YES, I physically check the box to embedded the ICC profile into the file.  What I am saying is the Photoshop DOES NOT embedded the ICC file via EXPORT AS.  If I use EXPORT->SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) and choose PNG-8 (NOT PNG-24) and check the box to save the ICC profile to the file the PNG will now save the ICC Profile to the PNG file.  Why does it work with SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) but NOT EXPORT->EXPORT AS  (If I choose PNG and check the box for embedd ICC Profile)??   Adobe acrobat must be using PNG-24 format when you select PNG from EXPORT->EXPORT AS because even with EXPORT->SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) and if you choose PNG-24 and embedd the ICC Profile the PNG-24 will NOT display correctly.  THIS looks like a photoshop issue.  Which PNG format is photoshop using (PNG-8 or PNG024) when you choose EXPORT-> EXPORT AS??


Here is the EXPORT->EXPORT AS screen for PNG format that I use that did not work:

InkedEXPORT-EXPORT AS PNG save_LI.jpgexpand image




Here is the EXPORT->SAVE for WEB (legacy)->PNG-8 screen for PNG format that I use that DID WORK:

InkedEXPORT-SAVE for WEB legacy PNG-8 save_LI.jpgexpand image




Here is the EXPORT->SAVE for WEB (legacy) ->PNG-24 screen for PNG format that I use that did not work:

InkedEXPORT-SAVE for WEB legacy PNG-24 save_LI.jpgexpand image




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

Please let me tell you: no, no, no! Acrobat's editing is terrible (making the best of a bad job). You will find endless pain and frustration. There is no control over colour, and type; graphics are really limited. You will often find it impossible to edit what you made. Just, NO. Use Word, or InDesign, or whatever you'd normally use. The beauty of PDF is that you don't change tools, because you can make a PDF from those tools.


Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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Are the images in the same color space saved by Photoshop on the same machine with the same calibrated display. How far off are the colors.





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Explorer ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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I used the same color space on the same machine with the same display.  The color are off enough that if I used a bright green and medium green you would have a hard time distinguishing the colors.  I used only one machine to do this work.  Its my Window 10 Lenovo ThinkPad W540 laptop with Pantone color calibrator for the display screen




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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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"Color is wrong when a PNG image is placed on the same page as JPG for Adobe Acrobat"


Although you posted in the Photoshop forum, you seem to have said that you are placing the images in Acrobat. Can you clarify your procedure? 

jane-e_0-1595636330540.pngexpand image

~ Jane




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Explorer ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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It is an issue with Photoshop.  Acrobat is just where I see the problem.  You can see the color space ends up just being DeviceRGB in Adobe Acrobat when I use the PNG file from EXPORT->EXPORT AS with the ICC profile embedded in the PNG file from photoshop.  But if I use EXPORT->SAVE for WEB (legacy) PNG-8 format with ICC embedded from Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat shows the PNG-8 file has a color space as Indexed Color Space-> DeviceRGB and now the colors are displayed properly.  Why? Which PNG format (PNG-8 or PNG-24) does Photoshop use for EXPORT->EXPORT AS PNG?




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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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Your PNG is very likely untagged (doesn't have an embedded color profile).


That will cause a color change when pasted into a document created in a different color space. Always make sure the profile is embedded.


There is unfortunately a bug in Photoshop that strips the profile when saving a PNG. You have to use Export or Save For Web - but even here, the profile is stripped at default settings. You have to manually check the box to "embed color profile". Always check this box.


With proper embedded profiles, the numbers will always be correctly converted so that the color is preserved whatever the color space. Out of gamut excluded of course.




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Explorer ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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How do I go about TAGGING the PNG file that I already have not done in Photoshop? How do I do it properly?




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Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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The images are made with Photoshop; the PDF is viewed with Acrobat. But what app do you use for page make-up? Typically it would be InDesign or Word. If it's InDesign there might be a simple answer. On no account, though, use Acrobat for page make-up !!




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Explorer ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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Actually, I do the page layout manually in Adobe Acrobat DC.  I type in the words and add all the graphics that I made in Photoshop.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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you updated your post to add: 

YES, I embedd the ICC profile in the PNG file via the EXPORT->EXPORT AS in Photoshop.  YES, I physically check the box to embedded the ICC profile into the file.  What I am saying is the Photoshop DOES NOT embedded the ICC file via EXPORT AS.  If I use EXPORT->SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) and choose PNG-8 (NOT PNG-24) and check the box to save the ICC profile to the file the PNG will now save the ICC Profile to the PNG file.  Why does it work with SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) but NOT EXPORT->EXPORT AS  (If I choose PNG and check the box for embedd ICC Profile)??   Adobe acrobat must be using PNG-24 format when you select PNG from EXPORT->EXPORT AS because even with EXPORT->SAVE FOR WEB (legacy) and if you choose PNG-24 and embedd the ICC Profile the PNG-24 will NOT display correctly.  THIS looks like a photoshop issue. 


As your comments are ":hidden" in the (edit) update you added - I suggest you start a new thread about the failure to embed a profile in the photoshop PNG export dialog and tag it as a bug 

I don't think the Photoshop team will spot it unless you do that

This forum is largely covered by ACP volunteers


I hope this helps

if so, please "like" my reply and if you're OK now, please mark it as "correct", so that others who have similar issues can see the solution


neil barstow, colourmanagement.net :: adobe forum volunteer

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Explorer ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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I will do that. Thank you




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Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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Please let me tell you: no, no, no! Acrobat's editing is terrible (making the best of a bad job). You will find endless pain and frustration. There is no control over colour, and type; graphics are really limited. You will often find it impossible to edit what you made. Just, NO. Use Word, or InDesign, or whatever you'd normally use. The beauty of PDF is that you don't change tools, because you can make a PDF from those tools.




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Explorer ,
Aug 14, 2020 Aug 14, 2020

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Yes, I finally figured this out.  I am switching the 700 page docuement to an Indesign document.  This will take alot of effort but I did not know about the Indesign tool when I started my project.  Thanks so much for pointing this out to me. You are right. Adobe Acrobat is NOT a layout tool.  I am now using Indesign!




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