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In Screenshot 1, there are psd and png files.
After exporting psd to png (Screenshot 2),
1. CMYK turned into RGB.
2. U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 turned into Untagged RGB.
Would you tell me what's going on?
2 Correct answers
The png file format does not support CMYK. A CMYK png is not possible.
You need to decide which RGB profile to convert to, and after you've done the conversion, check "embed color profile" in the Export dialog.
CMYK is typically used in professional print projects like posters, letterhead and business cards. If you need CMYK artwork, you should be saving it as a PDF with high quality CMYK print presets (ask your print professional which presets to use.)
PNG is RGB or sRGB color mode and typically used on the web or in digital applications.
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The png file format does not support CMYK. A CMYK png is not possible.
You need to decide which RGB profile to convert to, and after you've done the conversion, check "embed color profile" in the Export dialog.
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CMYK is typically used in professional print projects like posters, letterhead and business cards. If you need CMYK artwork, you should be saving it as a PDF with high quality CMYK print presets (ask your print professional which presets to use.)
PNG is RGB or sRGB color mode and typically used on the web or in digital applications.

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Thank you very much for your reply.
On Ai, my color mode is CMYK and color profile is U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2.
I copy and paste to Ps as Smart Object.
I export to png.
My png is for eBook (not paper book).
Am I on the right course of workflow?
Is there more thing to do to the final png file for the eBook?
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For your eBook, you want to end up in sRGB.
There's no reason for CMYK IF that's the only and final output.
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eBook will definitely NOT support CMYK. Idealy one would begin with RGB color mode. Converting from CMYK to RGB may alter your colors if that's important. I don't know.
To answer your workflow question, using smart objects is OK. But you could save a step or two and just export your artwork to PNG directly from Illustrator. File > Export...

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Thank you very much for your advice.
Can I convert from CMYK to RGB via File\Document Color Mode?
Is color profile OK (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2)?
I am just using it, because it is the default setting in Ai and Ps.
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In Photoshop, you can use Convert to Profile if you're got CMYK and you want sRGB.
SWOP V2 is correct if and only if the output conforms to SWOP V2 and never when it doesn't. It is a specific recipe for CMYK to a defined, CMYK output behavior.
If you don't know how to target to CMYK output, don't ever go there!

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I am doing a kind of test or research, before getting into the main work.
In Color Settings (Ai), I think sRGB looks fine from your advice.
Which one is desirable for CMYK?
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You should not be using CMYK at all, for the project you have described. Never CMYK for PNG. Never CMYK for ebook. If CMYK is your default, you must change the default.
Use sRGB for all you described.

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Thank you very for your advice.
I've already drawn all graphics for eBook.
I should change them to sRGB.
I feel like many months of work in vain.
Until recently, I didn't realize the meaning of color mode and color profile seriously.
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"I feel like many months of work in vain."
It only takes a few seconds to change a document from CMYK to RGB. It will take longer to check the colours - you may find they are muted - but you shouldn't need to redraw anything or waste months of work.
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In Illustrator change document color mode to RGB.
CMYK is strictly for commercial offset print, books and magazines in large print runs.
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@Deleted User wrote:
In Color Settings (Ai), I think sRGB looks fine from your advice.
Which one is desirable for CMYK?
The one that describes the majority of your default CMYK press work, as it is always possible to use Convert to Profile to bypass rather than use the one set in Color Settings for Image > Mode > CMYK
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See: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/colors/m-p/12957456#M645331
All explained there (how you can't save a PGN as CMYK and what's going on with the untagged RGB).