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Bonjour à tous,
J’espère que vous allez bien.
Je rencontre un souci avec Photoshop.
Je suis en train de créer une bannière pour mon site web et j’ai sélectionné un format assez grand, soit 2880x1800 pixels.
Une fois ma création terminée, j’ai exporté l’image en PNG, mais lorsque je zoom dessus, elle apparaît pixelisée.
J’ai fait plusieurs essais pour améliorer la qualité, mais je n’arrive pas à obtenir un rendu parfait. Ce qui est encore plus problématique, c’est qu’après l’exportation en format WEBP (nécessaire pour le web), la qualité se dégrade davantage.
Je suis un peu perdu, alors si vous avez des astuces ou des réglages à me conseiller pour conserver une image nette, je suis preneur.
Un grand merci d’avance pour votre aide 🙏
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I hope you're doing well.
I'm having a problem with Photoshop.
I'm creating a banner for my website and I've selected a fairly large format, which is 2880x1800 pixels.
Once I was done with my creation, I exported the image as a PNG, but when I zoom in on it, it appears pixelated.
I've tried several times to improve the quality, but I can't seem to get it right. What is even more problematic is that after exporting to WEBP format (necessary for the web), the quality degrades further.
I'm a bit lost, so if you have any tips or adjustments to recommend to keep a sharp image, I'm all for it.
Many thanks in advance for your help
By @anthony_carrel8361
When you view an image at a higher magnification than 100%, it will become pixelated.
You seem to be viewing at more than 500%, which will make any image look really bad.
Also, the PNG format should be fine for web use – it's the standard format for web graphics.
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Bonjour merci pour votre retour.
Voici un screen de l'aperçu sur mon site web du rendu de la bannière en question.
Donc d'après vous je ne peux pas obtenir un meilleur rendu que ça ?
J'utilise le format webp, c'est le format le plus récent pour optimiser au maximum son site internet, le PNG étant plus lourd et moins rapide notamment.
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Hello, thank you for your feedback.
Here is a screen of the preview on my website of the rendering of the banner in question.So in your opinion I can't get a better rendering than that?
I use the webp format, it's the most recent format to optimize your website as much as possible, PNG being heavier and slower in particular.
By @anthony_carrel8361
The image is 2850 x 1769, but has been scaled to 3456 x 1942 in the browser, which will affect quality.
So you need a larger image to begin with, at least 3456 x 1942.
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Je viens de faire le test en mettant sur mon site une version en 3456x1942 et le résultat n'est pas meilleur.
J'ai pris un screen en 3456x1942 en PNG et l'autre en 2500x1500 WEBP et aucunne différence :
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I just did the test by putting on my site a version in 3456x1942 and the result is no better.
I took one screen in 3456x1942 in PNG and the other in 2500x1500 WEBP and no difference:
By @anthony_carrel8361
How did you create the 3456 x 1942 version?
If you used Image > Image size to enlarge the 2850 x 1769 version, that won't work.
You need to start out with an original (PSD or tiff) that is at least 3456 x 1942, and export from that.
If your original is smaller, you will have to recreate it from scratch with larger dimensions.
Can you post a link to a live page? It tried to enter the address in your screenshot, but it requires a Wordpress login.
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Bonsoir et bonne année !
J'ai finalement décidé de partir sur un fichier créé par illustrator et exporté en SVG au dimension 1980 x 1080 et là plus de problème.
Le soucis que je rencontre est que maintenant l'image pèse 1,8 mo ce qui est énorme.
Auriez-vous une solution pour essayer de réduire un peu le poids au format svg ?
voici la page en question :
Merci 🙌
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Good evening and happy new year!
I finally decided to go with a file created by illustrator and exported in SVG at the size 1980 x 1080 and there no more problem.
The problem I have is that now the image weighs 1.8 MB which is huge.
Do you have a solution to try to reduce the weight a little in the svg format?
Here is the page in question:
Thank you 🙌
By @anthony_carrel8361
Happy new year to you too!
I don't use Illustrator, and have no experience with the SVG format.
If you do an Internet search for "compressed svg", you'll get quite a few results.
But 1.8 MB isn't all that big these days, when most people have very fast Internet.
I'm glad that you were able to find a satisfactory solution.