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I have a geniune copy of CS2. I have changed my computer and want to install it. I have done this and could not activate if. I am now out of the 30 day free trial period. Have contacted adobe but no help. I have found on adobes website where I can download CS2 as I have a geniune copy. This will still not work. Any help people. Totally fustrated.
2 Correct answers
The replacement should work (so long as you are still running a compatible OS like Windows XP). You MUST use the replacement serial as well as the replacement software.
@chan32410284o6na there is no way around if I'm afraid
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The replacement should work (so long as you are still running a compatible OS like Windows XP). You MUST use the replacement serial as well as the replacement software.
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I am using Windows 7. I downloaded the software and used the serial number provided. I get invalid serial number. I am in my 30 day 'trial' period and am wondering what I'm supposed to do now. Tech support's ONLY suggestion is that I buy the latest version (yeah, like I can AFFORD that) and so sorry.

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Did you completely remove the previous install first, try using the Adobe cleaner tool
Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems
and reinstall from here
Download Adobe Acrobat 7 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 products
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I tried CC Cleaner - it said I had Adobe Illustrator (I don't) and would remove, etc. Well, the 'clean' didn't work. I'm just about fed up. I paid for this software and I can't use it. I went through the registry line by line for 3 days removing Adobe/Photoshop entries - before I just threw my hands up and quit. It is tedious in the extreme and very frustrating. I tried the download from the link and used that serial number - I still get an activation/registration error, which means I'm on the 30 day trial. I can get ZERO help from Adobe. I guess I'll have to look for some other graphics software. I cannot and will not PAY the outrageous price Adobe wants for the 'latest version' of the software and have to pay a MONTHLY rental on top of the unbelievably extreme purchase price.
There are other software companies out there, and I think that is where I will go.
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Well, I just installed CS2 from that website onto my desk top computer using Win 7 - I first went into C drive and deleted everything Adobe that I thought was related to the CS2 install from the originally purchased CS2 disk. Should work for you too.
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Where did you download the software, and when? The solution described above will work for legitimate Adobe software that was purchased from Adobe between 2005-2007 when CS2 was current. I don’t recall a download even being an option (the package came on DVDs) so perhaps you have an illegitimate copy?
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I was reinstalling my CS2 on my laptop since my desktop died. Legitimate copy, all discs, books, box and serial number. When I tried to activate, I got the error that 'something went wrong - try again'. After several tries, I tried CHAT on the adobe site. I was given the download link (shown above) and downloaded from there and used their provided serial number. It STILL tries to register and activate the software, with the same result.
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Hmmmm ok. I forgot that you have to download the new file from this page:
Download Adobe Acrobat 7 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 products
Sounds like you’ve done that. Is it Photoshop you’re trying to activate? Windows or Mac?
Perhaps another person with more hands-on experience can jump in here. I doubt Adobe will provide much support, as this has been end-of-life for a long time.
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I wrote "No, it won't be the registering thing, all that was taken out." in response to the question " I have has a look on my account I have registered my photoshop 7 but not the CS2. When I have tried to add this it says that it is already registed and cannot be done twice. Could this be the problem."
If you have downloaded the new software AND the new serial number, and you still get it trying to activate, the old software is still in there. I imagine you tried to install from disk first. At least uninstall properly (DON'T DELETE FILES) and try again. Otherwise, short of wiping the system, someone may have an idea how to get rid of the effect of your old software so you can use the replacement that Adobe so generously provided despite being out of support 8 years ago.
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I MIGHT have found the problem. The registry still has all of the keys, including the original serial number. I am in the process of cleaning the registry and removing all Adobe keys. We shall see how that works. Will let you know!
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You can use the CC Cleaner tool to remove all that cruft automatically:
Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems
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CS2 is instaled and all I need is activation. the key is [Removed Serial Number by Moderator] I don't want to get a newer photoshop because I have the books to show to show me everything I need to know about CS I do not have the money to start over.My computer crashed and I took it back to the beginning and now I had to reinstall CS2
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Which operating system is your new computer running?
If it's a Mac, CS2 will not install or run at all. No workarounds.
If it's Windows, tell us more. It should install OK. Why didn't it work for you? What happened?
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i am using windows 10. I downloaded the program from the adobe website and installed it. When I used the serial number as instructed it said that it was invalid. I have had a look on my account and I have registed my photoshop 7 but not the CS2. When I have trid to add this it says that it is already registered and cannot be done twice. Could this be the problem.
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windows 10
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I am using windows 10. I downloaded the program from the adobe website and installed it. When I used the serial number as instructed it said that it was invalid. I have has a look on my account I have registered my photoshop 7 but not the CS2. When I have tried to add this it says that it is already registed and cannot be done twice. Could this be the problem.
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You MUST use BOTH the special install that you download AND the associated serial number from that download page
Download Adobe Acrobat 7 and Adobe Creative Suite 2 products
Of course, CS2 may not work with Win10 at all
An idea that MAY work to install and/or run old programs in Windows 10... works for some, not for others
-RIGHT click the program icon or EXE and select a compatibility mode in the pop up option window
-or Run as Administrator to assign FULL Windows permissions may help... says Encore, but sometimes required for ALL Adobe programs (this is NOT the same as using an Administrator account)
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No, it won't be the registering thing, all that was taken out. Did you install your copy from disk first? If so, make sure you fully uninstall it.
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I don't understand what you mean about the 'registering thing was all taken out'.
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How will they know I have and origianl copy or is it free to everyone. I had installed 5.5 then 7 then cs2. Will I need to remove them all.
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alisond2468 wrote
How will they know I have and origianl copy or is it free to everyone.
It is not free. They are making it available on the honor system to those who have legally purchased CS2 and earlier.
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You MUST uninstall your copy of CS2. What is on the web - for licensed users of CS2 like you - is replacement software AND a replacement serial number for THAT software. Your disk is useless (but keep it as proof of ownership). And expect some issues in Windows 10, though it seems to get by for many people.
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Thanks folks for all your help. It has worked. Happy bunny now.
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I'm in the same situation (several years later!) - I want to install a genuine CS2 and not have to pay a monthly Adobe fee, but it seems I cant do that. The reinstall page has this message: "You can no longer reinstall Creative Suite 2, 3 or 4 even if you have the original installation disks. The aging activation servers for those apps had to be retired. " Seems a bit unfair for paid for software. Does anyone know a way round this?

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