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CS5 Locking Up System

Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012

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I have a 32 bit PC that I recently upgraded. I put in the most amount of RAM memory I could and upgraded the system from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate.

Yesterday I upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS5 and have suddenly been having problems with the system locking up on me in the middle of a project.

I saw some suggestions that were made back in 2010 and I was wondering if some new solutions have been discovered for this problem since then

If so, please provide me a link to a topic thread dealing with this issue.

Also, when first using the program I could not figure out how to get the HISTORY window to open. That is a function


It should ALWAYS open automatically

I now have it working properly, but when opening the program for the first time the HISTORY window should ALWAYS BE THERE and ready to use





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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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Sidarthurr wrote:

Are YOU better, Noel? PROVE IT!!!!

No one is trying to compare themselves to you.  That's all coming from you.  I have nothing to prove to you.

People are here out of the goodness of their hearts and a desire to help those who ask.  If you don't want help, no one's forcing it on you.

Have a wonderful day!





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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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To Noel,

Hey, I am not as easily fooled as you would like me to be. Obviously YOU cannot PROVE you are a better digital artist than I am. It's as simple as that and you know it

You also have a wonderful day!

I mean, you people want to try to convince me that I could do so much better and you CANNOT PROVE IT!

What can you expect? That I would just blindly believe you when you offer no proof of your claims whatsoever?


YOU, on the other hand, say your are experts

Proof always wins over talk and that's just the way it is




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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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More proof of my digital art expertise. First the original frame taken from the opening sequence of the television program Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea:  http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/6invar3VOYAGE.jpg  Then I combined it with a frame taken from the end of a Star Trek Voyager episode called 'Night". I call this: Voyage To Voyager:  http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/varVOYAGENIGHT.jpg




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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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It should be about solving problems, or offering fixes, and not a competition on who does what in Photoshop.

Though I am quite good with PS, and have earned a great living for decades, I still rely on the folk here, when I "hit a wall." It is not about me being better, than they are, or vice-versa. It is about getting answers and fixes. That is what matters, at least to me.

Somehow, this thread got very "sideways," and that is unfortunate.

Is all OK with PS and your system now?

Good luck,





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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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Well, the solution I HAVE COME UP WITH ON MY OWN is working...so far.

I trust when my computer, that is overdue for a reformatting, has the Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade re-installed the problem should be solved

Personally, I don't see how using layers will improve how I use Photoshop.

I was made to believe that it would, but the presented evidence tells me otherwise

Besides, I don't use Photoshop that often anymore

I finally put my foot down with my son who lives in China, builds computers for friends on the side, and has his computer filled with pirated stolen software and stolen songs. I told him I didn't care if everyone else in China is a thief. that's no excuse for him being a thief. I told him to let me know when he has finally purchased all the programs and songs he uses because until that time I don't intend to speak to him again. He no longer responds to my emails. Chances are he has blocked my email address.

I felt inspired to find out how much he would have to spend for CS5 and was shocked to find that, at amazon, he would have to spend over $600.00. Then I realized it is not my problem as I saw that I would be rewarded by Adobe by being honest if I chose to purchase the upgrade version for only about $170.00. I decided to take advantage of the offer as I felt I needed a reward for my integrity and doing the 'right thing' by putting my proverbial foot down about my son stealing software and songs off the Internet. So I bought the upgrade and discovered the wonderful new improvement they have made to the cloning tool, which I happen to use practically every single time I use Photoshop,


I had the locking up problem and have had certain problems for years that EVERYONE STILL KEEPS IGNORING NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I REPOST THOSE PROBLEMS!!!

Obviously, you people are not as "expert" as you let on to be and I need to talk to the REAL EXPERTS on the phone at the Adobe company.




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Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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I am sharing some of my work because I want to know how using other functions will improve what I am doing. The new upgrade to the cloning tool will indeed improve, and has, what I like to do with Photoshop. I recently did this with CS2 using a photos of my office chair combined with a photo of the sun. I call it: (((SUN CHAIR; THINKING IS THE BEST WAY TO TRAVEL))) http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/2inSUNCHAIR.jpg




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Community Expert ,
Feb 27, 2012 Feb 27, 2012

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Despite my previously voiced intention to stand back I want to comment yet again:

I had the locking up problem and have had certain problems for years that EVERYONE STILL KEEPS IGNORING NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I REPOST THOSE PROBLEMS!!!

Once Mr.Cox has commented on an OS- or hardware-related issue (post 2) there is usually not much point in adding more because he probably knows way more about that than the rest of us – certainly more than me.

Have you ever answered his question or investigated the potential causes he mentions?

I do neither want to discuss the artistic merit of your images and nor try to justify my experience with Photoshop; I have previously offered advice on Layers to you in an attempt to help you utilize Photoshop in a more efficient and sensible manner.

We are not getting paid to help you and you don’t pay for our advice – so take it or leave it and please try to stay polite.




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Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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I should be polite like Gary, right?

No doubt you all agree that Gary is a better digital artist than I am

No doubt whatsoever

If I knew how to look for problems with "low level drivers", I would have done it.

What was not suggested by ANY of you "experts" worked for me so far and I have little doubt that when

I soon give my computer the reformatting it obviously needs these lockup problems will most probably go away


The other problems I have been having FOR YEARS







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Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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It seems to me that before I go replacing my video card or check for bad RAM

I should first reformat my C drive and see if that solves the problem

After all, I had NO SUCH PROBLEMS with CS2

It was only when I installed CS5 that


My entire computer system locked up while using Photoshop

I'd say that says something in and of itself

Something more than a possible problem with my low level drivers or video card or RAM

So, if it still keeps acting up AFTER I reformat

then it will be time to look into other options




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Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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Here's something interesting. I had finished my new CS5 creation I call:


and as I was trying to upload it to Photobucket


Of course, I automatically assumed that it had something to do with CS5

Amazingly, I was able to go into CS5 with no problem and close the program

I closed all open applications and still Google Chrome remained frozen

I had to hold down the power button, then restart the computer

Interesting that CS5 wasn't frozen as well

I take it as a 'good sign'




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Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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((( EL KHAN SUN ))) (Yes, that is me in the photo):  http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/4vELKHANHAT.jpg




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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A variation on my latest CS5 creation: El KHAN SUN

with an energetic Shakrim in my right-hand

Hold onto your heads, folks!

I have, I believe, four variations of this creation

Hell of a lot more cool than some camel

Note how the Sun is opening up like a cat's eye pupil

I've never seen anything quite like this

chances are you "experts" haven't either




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Configurator 2.0\Adobe Configurator 2.0.exe"  I did my best to follow the directions and then got stuck on exporting my created panel. Then I realized that I don't really need this hassle. I know where everything I use is. It's not such a big deal finding what I need because I don't use that much in Photoshop. Maybe one of these days I will learn how to do other things. Although...I can't see why I would like to . Except maybe one day making moving GIF images.




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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Hello, Sidarthurr.

Please address one problem at a time in a discussion: you first asked about freezing problems, then about the fact that the history panel is not shown by default, talked about sudden zoom issues, then challenged others to show their work before they are deemed worthy of answering you, and said that you are always facing the same issue online of getting answers.

I'm afraid that it will be the case in the future, if you keep asking different questions in the same discussion without letting the time to answer them one by one, and if you keep challenging the answers that are provided by others, or their skills.

I feel that you will have answers faster if you keep the discussions focused. It would have been better to create a thread for each problem.

As per your problems:

1) Computer freezing

You could indeed try to wipe your system clean, if you've been installing/uninstalling many programs. Then, once everything is tested and works ok, you might use your system of choice to clone/image it. Unfortunately, I have no experience with Norton Ghost.

There is maybe a plug-in or a graphic card setting/driver that interferes with CS5, and did not with CS2. CS5 uses the graphic card a lot, might poke in different areas of memory than CS2 did, and find an issue where it was not visible before. There is always the possibilty of a bug, but anyways, some troubleshooting is needed: when does it freeze, what are you doing, what other software is running (is Ghost runnning?) but it almost warrants a discussion of its own, without the other issues interfering.

There is no single good way to take care or use a computer. Some users install/uninstall test a lot of software, move a lot of files, change a lot of settings in the registry, and they must do a clean reinstall more often than those that do not. I've been runnning several machines for years before hitting "windows rotting" and facing the need of a reinstall. Sometimes, the windows updates/upgrates, driver updates just don't work, and you must reinstall. If you do not change your system often, use virtual machines to test software, you do not need to reinstall that often. Different persons, different workflows, there is no single good way to do things.

2) History Panel not showing by default.

Adobe has many users, and each of them has a different workflow... They made user studies, and realized that more users use some panels than others. So they decided, by default, to hide the history panel  but keep other panels that maybe had  new functionality (like the clone source panel you seem to love). Up to Photoshop 3, there were no layers, so using Channel Operations was the only solution. History came after, as an alternative to multiple undos.

It is indeed very powerful, but has limitations: one cannot save histories between sessions, but when using layers, one can keep elements separated to rework them (look at this work done with hundreds of thousands of layers (in different files, given the 8000 layers limitation)):  http://www.bertmonroy.com/timessquare/timessquare.html

But each person's workflow is different. You are perfectly entitled to use the clone stamp and history on a background layer.

I think that one of the New Yorker magazine illustrators still uses Photoshop 4.0 (not CS4) and almost never uses layers. If your workflow consists of a single process of cloning in elements, that you do not want to move, adjust, change, replace, resize with the time, by all means continue doing it!

We do not want to make you change your habits, but the fact is that many, many users find that Layers can be useful (playing with blending modes, moving elements freely, using Smart Objects, etc.) Almost every tutorial online uses Layers at one point. Google them, experiment, learn, play, see if you can fit it in your workflow. Photographic work can be re-adjusted later when separating adjustment layers, it can be refined without altering the rest of the image.

3) The sudden zoom issue:

It is maybe a new function that came between cs2 and cs5, that is called scrubby zoom it allows you to click and drag to the left or right to zoom in/zoom out. You can disable it by unchecking scrubby zoom in the zoom tool's option bar. Search for it online to understand how it works, and if it fits in your own workflow.

4) About showing other's work:

Even masters learn from the mistakes or discoveries from their students. One's perception of skill or art might be unimpressive or not suit another person's tastes.

Also, maybe some of us here can't show the work that we do, because of contract ties.

5) Configurator:

You will have help faster if you ask questions in the dedicated forum: http://forums.adobe.com/community/labs/configurator?view=discussions

Have a great day!




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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I recently upgraded my RAM and doubled what this computer originally had. For a 32 bit system it is now maxed out with the most amount of RAM it can handle.

Thanks to certain people and YOU in particular I am now considering getting the very best graphic card I can obtain for my computer. I didn't consider it before, but how can it hurt, right? Thanks to those who pointed out the possibility that I may be having problems with my graphic card. That's the video card, right?

I'm hoping I can upgrade the graphic card

Thanks for turning me onto this!

Supposedly, the video graphics is "intergrated graphics"

Whatever that means,

but it sounds like it's part of the motherboard and can't be replaced without replacing the motherboard.

I hope I'm wrong about this




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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((( THIS IS MY COMPUTER THAT HAS BEEN UPGRADED TO WINDOWS 7 ULTIMATE. I INTEND TO GET IN TOUCH WITH HP ABOUT THE GRAPHICS CARD IN ORDER TO GET THE VERY BEST FOR THIS SYSTEM; IF I CAN, THAT IS )))  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00674957&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid=reg_R1002_US...




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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Actually, I went from 1GB of RAM to 4GB. So I quadrupled the amount of RAM originally in the computer




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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Usually the "integrated graphics" as provided on the motherboard can easily be disabled in the BIOS settings (or will automatically be disabled) when you plug in an add-on graphics card.

I'm not sure what your overall needs are but if it's just for Photoshop then ATI makes some nice models that don't stress the computer's power supply heavily and run Photoshop marvelously well.  Personally I recommend the VisionTek ATI Radeon HD 6670 1 GB DDR5 card (about a hundred bucks).  Photoshop is not terribly demanding of the video card, so a low- to mid-range desktop card like this works great.





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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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Look, I just want to say that I know I'm an idiot in the technical aspects of computers. Chances are EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU spins rings around me from a professional, technical perspective. That's why I have shared some of my recent work so that you can see that at least I can do something, with Photoshop, rather well in the hopes you can have at least a little respect for me and what I do as a hobby.

CS5 is inspiring even greater ideas now!

I've been communicating with an apparent expert on the HP site and before he could recommend any video cards he had to know my power supply output

I ended up having to take the cover off the computer to get the information

Amazing that it was not included in the online specs. He said everything important was included except for the power supply output rating

Well my computer is


300 WATT  + 5V

I'm hoping this is all the information he needs for him to recommend the very best, and most powerful, graphics card WITHOUT ANY FANS!!!

My computer is in my small, private digital recording studio and I need to keep the computer as quiet as possible

I have no intention of ever playing sophisticated games on this computer




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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I don't enjoy feeling like an idiot, but when people recommend I do things and I don't have a clue how to do those things...well...it can be frustrating to keep asking 'how do I do that' like some sort of mental retard. I hope you will forgive me for getting upset, but this type of thing ALWAYS seems to happen to me when I try to get help in this manner.

Like in the HP forum. They guy casually asks for the power output and I didn't have a clue how to go about getting it for him

Such is life!




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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A 300W power supply does not have a lot of extra capacity, so you need to be VERY careful about what graphics card you plug in.  The model I suggested draws less than 70W and does have a fan, but normally it spins quite slowly and doesn't make much noise.

For Photoshop use, you might want to verify that whatever card you get scores at least 500 on the Passmark benchmark.  You can view the scores various models get here:






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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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ARE YOU EVER CORRECT, NOEL!!! THE THIRD VIDEO CARD ON THE LIST FROM THE HP "EXPERT" WOULD ONLY WORK WITH A 500 - 600 WATT OUTPUT SYSTEM. IF I WOULD HAVE BLINDLY TRUSTED THAT "EXPERT" I WOULD HAVE BEEN STUCK IN THE MUD!!! I spoke to the manufacturer and their tech support told me that this one will work for my needs. What do you think, Noel? Are they correct? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150582




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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The way things stand right now, I don't want to be throwing my money away. Let me reformat and then see if CS5 keeps locking up the system before I spend too much money on a 32 bit computer that is soon to become obsolete. It didn't lock up on me AT ALL when I created EL KHAN SUN. Google Chrome locked up on me, probably because I had too many tabs open, but I was able to get to CS5 and close it down with no problem. So, chances are, I don't need a new video card. What I need is an overdue periodic good ol fashion reformatting.




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Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012

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Sidarthurr wrote:

What do you think, Noel? Are they correct?

I've already given you my recommendations.

Didn't you look up the 4550 at the site I mentioned?  I see that it scores rather less than 500.  It would be time well spent to educate yourself a bit and do some of your own research.  Armed with that knowledge you'll be able to make better decisions.

Your earlier wording "the very best, and most powerful, graphics card" led me to believe that you're not too concerned with price...   You do realize that there are video cards that cost literally thousands of dollars out there, right?  Look up a nVidia Quadro 6000, as an example.

I think it would be a good idea to clean up your system and also see if an updated display driver for your onboard graphics is available before throwing any money at a new video card.





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