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Disable rotate view with trackpad

Community Beginner ,
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 09, 2024

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When using a trackpad, I often accidentally rotate the view. I rarely ever use the rotate tool otherwise. I am aware that pressing escape will reset the view once it has been rotated, but ideally I would not have to be constantly doing this. Illustrator had this problem as well, but a few years back they added an option "Trackpad Gesture to Rotate View", which was a direct fix to the problem. Photoshop, meanwhile, appears to have no such direct equivalent. Is there an option I have perhaps missed?

Note: I do NOT want to disable "Enable Gestures" in the Photoshop settings, as that disables my ability to zoom with the trackpad, and neither do I want to disable rotate with the trackpad systemwide as I do use it elsewhere. I want to disable the function of the trackpad rotating the view without affecting any other features.


If there is indeed no equivalent to the Illustrator fix, then take this as my submission of an idea:

Description: Add a "Trackpad Gesture to Rotate View" option in settings that acts as it does in Illustrator.

Value: No more accidentally rotating the view and disrupting my workflow; Disables this function without affecting other functions.


If there is some way to just disable the rotate tool entirely in Photoshop I'm honestly all ears as well since I hardly use it anyway.


I'm using Photoshop 25.6.0







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