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I have this need
I would duplicate the document in use
Resize to 1920px
Return the document to the original
And adapt it to the original document size
Without having too much loss of quality.
Now, Try this code..
...var strtRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var strtTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS
cTID = function(s) {return app.charIDToTypeID(s);};
sTID = function(s) {return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);};
if(documents.length>0) main();
function main(){
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var ImgW=docRef.width.value
var ImgH=docRef.height.value
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I tried to do it on the original image
But you lose too much time
Then I tried it with resized image and much faster
So the work I have in mind and this
Duplicate in a new document
To do the work on the masks
Bring the document to the original
Fit resized photos to the original.
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From a quality point of view what you are proposing to do seems like a bad idea.
What exactly do you mean by »perform operations on level masks«?
Why does it take so long, what are the original fullres images’ usual pixel dimensions and bit depths?
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The dimensions in px 7360 × 4912 and even bigger bit16
What exactly do you mean by "performing layer masks"?
I mean blur on masks in various rays.
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Then why do you not transfer and upsample the Layer Masks instead of degrading the composite image content?
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Yes it seems what they need to do is scale the layer mask they developed up in size to fit the original image. The results should be good for they seem to want to create a blurred mask in the first place. An Upsize mask should not hurt the masking quality too much. Going from 1k back to 8K is a big change in the number of pixels like 8x