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Edit perspective on scale

New Here ,
May 27, 2020 May 27, 2020

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Hi, I am working in archaeology and a problem we face is that we take pictures of archaeological features in the field, but they are almost always taken in an angle. Therefore, these pictures are somewhat different/off in perspective and not correctly scaled from for instance a drawing of the same feature. I wanted to use the transformation tool 'perspective' for this, but I have the idea that the whole picture is distorted.

In the attached images, there is one that is from the field and taken in an angle and one that I tried to change the perspective. In the third picture I have placed arrows at the spots where I put nails in at the same distance of each other, so that I could scale the picture to the correct perspective. 


So, did I do the correct transformation/correction to my picture to correctly scale it to a kind of horizontal perspective or should I use another function in Photoshop or any other Adobe program?

If I did it correctly, is it possible to use the four nails as a kind of reference points to fasten the process? Or is it maybe even possible to automate this process?

Anyway, thanks for the help.


Original photoOriginal photoexpand imageTransformed photoTransformed photoexpand imageArrows pointing at nails that are all the same distance of each otherArrows pointing at nails that are all the same distance of each otherexpand image

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