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Alright, so I am running this script that essentially opens all the files in a folder. It is supposed to take each of those images and check if they are eps, if they are it makes sure they are CMYK, if they are not it makes them CMYK.
All files (after they go through this check) are put on a square canvas (height x width are equal based on the largest side).
After this is done they are simply supposed to save, and close.
That's it, should be super simple. HOWEVER
I keep getting these issues:
first I open my folder, that does a few images perfect then we get to an EPS (that is "generic EPS" instead of "Photoshop EPS") and it starts this:
so I hit OK then:
Then for some reason instead of saving like a normal file it wants to save it as a psd!!
My action told it to save, not save as. Frustrating. This interrupts my batch and ruins the point of trying to batch this whole thing. I would have to sit here and babysit every image to ensure it's not getting interrupted by these two issues.
My script is below.
try {
var data = GetDataFromDocument( activeDocument );
if ('eps' == data.extension.toLowerCase()) {
//convert to cmyk
converToCMYK ( rasterize = true ) ;
//run code to square up images
catch( e ) {
function toSquare(){
var savedRuler= app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var w = app.activeDocument.width;
var h = app.activeDocument.height;
if(w>h) app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas (w, w, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
if(w<h) app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas (h, h, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
//if w==h already square
app.preferences.rulerUnits = savedRuler;
function GetDataFromDocument( inDocument ) {
var data = new Object();
var fullPathStr = inDocument.fullName.toString();
var lastDot = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "." );
var fileNameNoPath = fullPathStr.substr( 0, lastDot );
data.extension = fullPathStr.substr( lastDot + 1, fullPathStr.length );
var lastSlash = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "/" );
data.fileName = fileNameNoPath.substr( lastSlash + 1, fileNameNoPath.length );
data.folder = fileNameNoPath.substr( 0, lastSlash );
data.fileType = inDocument.fullName.type;
return data;
function GetDataFromDocument( inDocument ) {
var data = new Object();
var fullPathStr = inDocument.fullName.toString();
var lastDot = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "." );
var fileNameNoPath = fullPathStr.substr( 0, lastDot );
data.extension = fullPathStr.substr( lastDot + 1, fullPathStr.length );
var lastSlash = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "/" );
data.fileName = fileNameNoPath.substr( lastSlash + 1, fileNameNoPath.length );
data.folder = fileNameNoPath.substr( 0, lastSlash );
data.fileType = inDocument.fullName.type;
return data;
function converToCMYK( rasterize )
var idCnvM = charIDToTypeID( "CnvM" );
var desc39 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T " );
var idCMYM = charIDToTypeID( "CMYM" );
desc39.putClass( idT, idCMYM );
var idMrge = charIDToTypeID( "Mrge" );
desc39.putBoolean( idMrge, false );
var idRstr = charIDToTypeID( "Rstr" );
desc39.putBoolean( idRstr, rasterize );
executeAction( idCnvM, desc39, DialogModes.NO );
function saveQuit(){
var quitOut = app.doAction("saveQuit", "Commands.atn");
return quitOut;
Please, any help would be very appreciated.
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Till You can get a final solution You should study the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CC JAVASCRIPT SCRIPTING REFERENCE: page 49.
Application.saveAs() page 93.
EPSOpenOptions page 103.
EPSSaveOptions page 104.
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Hello Lorin Lochridge,
I know it been a while, but I am stuck with almost the same problem.
I don't want this window to appear when saving a eps file via script.
Did you find a solution or a workaround?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
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My memory is fairly vague on the details, but this is what my final script ended up to be:
(hope that helps)
try {
var data = GetDataFromDocument( activeDocument );
if ('eps' == data.extension.toLowerCase()) {
//convert to cmyk
converToCMYK ( rasterize = true ) ;
//run code to square up images
catch( e ) {
function toSquare(){
var savedRuler= app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var w = app.activeDocument.width;
var h = app.activeDocument.height;
if(w>h) app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas (w, w, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
if(w<h) app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas (h, h, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
//if w==h already square
app.preferences.rulerUnits = savedRuler;
function GetDataFromDocument( inDocument ) {
var data = new Object();
var fullPathStr = inDocument.fullName.toString();
var lastDot = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "." );
var fileNameNoPath = fullPathStr.substr( 0, lastDot );
data.extension = fullPathStr.substr( lastDot + 1, fullPathStr.length );
var lastSlash = fullPathStr.lastIndexOf( "/" );
data.fileName = fileNameNoPath.substr( lastSlash + 1, fileNameNoPath.length );
data.folder = fileNameNoPath.substr( 0, lastSlash );
data.fileType = inDocument.fullName.type;
return data;
function converToCMYK( rasterize )
var idCnvM = charIDToTypeID( "CnvM" );
var desc39 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T " );
var idCMYM = charIDToTypeID( "CMYM" );
desc39.putClass( idT, idCMYM );
var idMrge = charIDToTypeID( "Mrge" );
desc39.putBoolean( idMrge, false );
var idRstr = charIDToTypeID( "Rstr" );
desc39.putBoolean( idRstr, rasterize );
executeAction( idCnvM, desc39, DialogModes.NO );
function saveQuit(){
var quitOut = app.doAction("saveQuit", "Commands.atn");
return quitOut;
function epsSave() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var docName =;
docName = docName.match(/(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/) ? docName = docName.match(/(.*)(\.[^\.]+)/):docName = [docName, docName];
var suffix = '_300';
var saveName = new File(decodeURI(doc.path)+'/'+docName[1]+suffix+'.eps');
saveFile( app.activeDocument, saveName );
function saveFile( doc, saveFile ) {
var saveOptions = new EPSSaveOptions( );
saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
saveOptions.halftoneScreen = false;
saveOptions.interpolation = false;
saveOptions.psColorManagement = false;
saveOptions.transferFunction = false;
saveOptions.vectorData = false;
doc.saveAs( saveFile, saveOptions, true );
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Thanks a lot!
You solved my problem!
If anybody else will read this thread in the future, this is why the window kept appearing:
My initial saveOptions (window appears):
var saveOptions = new EPSSaveOptions();
saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
saveOptions.encoding = SaveEncoding.JPEGMAXIMUM;
saveOptions.halftoneScreen = true;
saveOptions.interpolation = true;
saveOptions.preview = Preview.EIGHTBITTIFF;
saveOptions.psColorManagement = true;
saveOptions.transferFunction = true;
saveOptions.transparentWhites = true;
saveOptions.vectorData = true;
aktDoc.saveAs(new File(whereToSave), saveOptions, false);
My "new" saveOptions (window does not appear anymore):
var saveOptions = new EPSSaveOptions( );
saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
saveOptions.halftoneScreen = true;
saveOptions.interpolation = true;
saveOptions.psColorManagement = true;
saveOptions.transferFunction = true;
saveOptions.vectorData = true;
aktDoc.saveAs(new File(whereToSave), saveOptions, true);
I found out that the window does not appear anymore after I removed the option "transparentWhites".
Thanks again!