Fake CS6 - Packaging and disk?
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Hi all, did adobe only sell CS6 extended in a DVD's within a cardboard box or did they do sealed packets with "Pre activated" on a pre-registered and pre paid license? On the rear.
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Here's Adobe's information on this:
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My Adobe CS6 came in an Adobe packed Box with a Girl Face one it. Adobe Logo on it and it was labeled Adobe Photoshop CS6 and under that has Windows. Perpetual CS6 is Platform Specific. Create Cloud CS6 is not. A second box slid out of the outer Box which actually was a sleeve around the actual box. In that box was package A DVD box and a Lightrroom 4 CD in a cardboard sleeve. The DVD Box has a sticker on it with the Serial to activate CS6 when you install it from the DVD. The serial is either for an Upgrade from CS5 to CS6 or a full version CS6. if it is an Upgrade Serial you will also need your CS5 Serial number to Activate CS6. You can Download CS6 from Adobe if the DVD gets mess up. The outer sleeve will have a big Black label one the side it it an Upgrade serial. The important thing is your serial. Once you Activate CS6. CS6 and you serial will be registered to your Adobe Account products. So if you loose your serial number you can always retrieve that from your Account Products. My packaging is not fake I ordered it directly from Adobe in 2012. Box looks like this
My Products Adobe account I skippec CS4 version 13 is CS6 Version 10 is CS3
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I have the same box and got it 2012 and now Adobe is telling me that my serial number is not geniune because I do not have my receipt. How does one retrieve old record? The jerk I spoke to at Adobe kept repeating that I did not have a genuine disk. This is the disk and I paid a lot for it. My company also pays for CC every year for the past 6 years and puts over $300 a year for three licenses and they still are going to jerk me around for this one. They have a lot of nerve.
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Yeah, this one has no box just a thin envelope "sleeve of gloss paper" with the girls face on it. Inside the sleeve there is a dvd in a paper packet. The serial dose not work however when I try and upgrade via the trial window I just get " the serial number you have entered is invalid".
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"Pre activated" is pirate jargon for "hacked so it bypasses activation, at least for a few weeks so we can bank your money". Sooner or later, Adobe catch up and block it.
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Its easy to steal that image and download CS6. If the serial does not work trash trash the DVD. You can download the real CS6 installer from Adobe site but if the serial does not work with the fake I would not expect it to work with Adobe actual installer.
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The serial number I had worked for more than 10 years and every once in a while it is blocked. It is on my computer not on their site.
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I bought the disk and when I did get the serial number, it was fine for ten years almost. I have the original disk. I paid a lot for it and on top of that my company buys the new photoshop from the suite. This is a cost of $10.00 monthly or more to get programs from Creative Cloud.
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So basically the bottom line is......
1. If the serial number supplied with a suspected fake is flagged invalid it's been blocked by adobe due to pirating abuse.
2, If the seller says the key will only activate the software on the DVD supplied and will not work on the official CS6 version from the adobe download centre = Hacked version.
3. The alleged "Trade version" of CS6 with pre registered key is = A totally fabrication statement to convince buyers its a genuine version.
4. If the DVD in it's cover comes in a flimsy gloss paper wallet with the CS6 extended artwork its a fake as it should be in a box ?
Would I be correct ?
Thanks all
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All of this could be plausible, but if you're dealing with pirates - liars and criminals - they will make up and say anything, the more jargon the better, to make their products sound real.
One common pirate trick is to get hold of an enterprise license, meant for government/big business use and sell it over and over. This is a real license in many cases, but used illegally, and of course Adobe block it when they find out. This would also need a special installer too.
One thing to consider is that CS6 has not been sold for many years, not to end users, not to companies, and not to resellers. There may be a few genuine copies in back rooms, but if anyone seems to have a reliable source of a nonexistent product, you should ask why. (I ran into a company recently who said they could supply "1000 units per week". Presumably that's as fast as they can fake them).
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Oops. I responded to a post many years old. Message has not changed.
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I have a very old, legit verstion of PS CS3 that was on my desktop for years. I had a recent crash and had to reinstall everything. PS would not activate. There was a greeen ckmark next to the serial number but it would not activate. I understand the older CS activation servers are now defunct, but it seems pretty unfair that genuine software I paid with good genuine US dollars is no longer valid. I'm just a home user, retired, 73 years old and don't want nor can I afford their CC subscription. I just want to use an old version I'm familiar with for simple editing, not a business.
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Photoshop Elements is a reasonable option.