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Hello Forum,
I recently noticed that in my Font-Preview roll-down list SOME of the fonts do NOT have a sample (how they would look like - with the word "Sample")
Others do.
Instead those have emty squares - any ideas how to fix that? I had all this working perfectly throughout CS5 and CS6 Win7 Pro - 64 bit, PS CC 2017
1. Your screenshot shows not the Details view. But this doesn't help much because some of the Windows fonts are not created by Microsoft.
2. Windows Fonts:
All Windows Fonts since 3.1
You may not have all of them, but these are originals supplied with Windows. Possibly some are discontinued.
3. MS-Office:
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Where do these fonts came from?
I tried one of them (ABIGAIL): I also got no prieview in CC 2017/Win but could write text.
You can use them all the way, but it's a sign of poor quality and/or very old and outdated font construction software.
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Yes - they all work when typing with text tool - just not showing the "sample" in preview dropdown
But here is the point - as far as I know these (except 5 which I installed / downloaded) are all original Win7 or PS fonts
Can it be possible that the font cache in PS as well in Windows is corrupt?
I read somewhere that I can delete the font cache in both - PS and Windows...?
can I do that without messing things up? woukd it help?
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Tele55 schrieb:
these are all original Win7 or PS fonts
No, definitely not. All these fonts with the missing preview in your screenshot are not by Microsoft nor Adobe.
Maybe from the installation of another software?
For clearing the font caches please use Google search because of your OS and Photoshop version. There are many search results.
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Hi fenja,
thanks for the reply.
hope you don't mind if I need some clarification
- I will try to find list of Windows original fonts to confirm and delete the others...???
- about clearing the font cache ... are you saying it's save to do so?
I know where they are located - both ... just don't want to mess up things
- how do I really know which are from Microsoft and from Adobe? (I know deleting the wrong ones can harm the OS)
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In Windows Explorer, open the folder c:/Windows/Fonts. From the More Options drop-down in the upper right, or from the View menu, select Details. You should see a column labeled Designer/Foundry. If not, go to View > Choose Details..., and set it to be visible.
Now if you click on the column heading "Designer/Foundry, your fonts will be listed sorted by foundry.
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thanks - Semaphoric,
no such options
remember that my mein goal is to get these font to show the "sample" sample - only some do ( see screenshot further up)
If it means to get rid of all non-original fonts, keeping only original ones , in Windows (and) PS, that's ok
What does deleting the font cahche do? could it help?
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1. Your screenshot shows not the Details view. But this doesn't help much because some of the Windows fonts are not created by Microsoft.
2. Windows Fonts:
All Windows Fonts since 3.1
You may not have all of them, but these are originals supplied with Windows. Possibly some are discontinued.
3. MS-Office:
Office 2016:
Office 2013:
Office 2010:
3. Adobe fonts:
Creative Cloud: Adobe delivers a very basic set only:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CC 2017\Resources\Required\Fonts
They do not appear in C:\Windows\Fonts.
4. What I see on your screenshot:
All fonts with names in Capitals (ABIGAIL, ABRACADABRA, ACTION, ADONIS ...) and all fonts with EF in their names are NOT Windows / MS-Office / Adobe.
These fonts came as single installations or with another program on your PC. Delete them or not. They do no harm. I would copy them on a USB stick or another secure place and delete.
5. If in doubt sometimes it helps to do a right click on the font file > Properties > Details.
6. As I said before: The fonts with the squares aren't harmful for your OS or apps or home printer. I just would not give them to a print shop with my design because they are of poor quality and could make problems there.
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Thanks Fenja,
these lists will give me confidence to delete a whole bunch that I downloaded years ago and get to a more original selection without corrupting Windows operation.
Your answer is correct in regards to finding the lists but I'll leave the thread open for a while since the question about the empty boxex/squares is not solved (since some of the original AND downloaded fonts show boxes)
But thanks
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Perhaps as in the case of free fonts, they have problems displaying the font name.
Try an online font converter and go with OTF format.
conversion - How can I convert a TTF (Font) for use on a Mac? - Super User