Free Transform not working properly in Photoshop CC.
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I select a bunch of mixed layers like shapes, smart objects and text by dragging my selection marquee around them. I am able to move everything around the art-board but when I Ctrl+T and resize the selected objects, ONLY the shapes are transformed. Everything else remains untouched.
I don't want to be that guy that reports all kinds of stuff but there are too many bugs with CC...this program is quickly becoming unusable.
EDIT: OK so this problem only seem to happen when I have the Text tool selected and I hold Ctrl and drag to select (it turns into the black arrow). HOWEVER if I press 'V' to select the move tool and drag that and then use Ctrl+T it works as it should. So the problem lies when the user has the Type Tool selected and uses Ctrl+drag to select objects.
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Copied actually, Photoshop is working as it should, right? The hint: Move Tool vs. Text Tool
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No. I'm sorry I was not clear. Thanks for responding btw.
TYPICALLY: When you press Ctrl while you have the Text tool. It (the text tool) becomes the move tool as it has for all previous versions of photoshop. You can use this tool (Text tool while you hold Ctrl) to select objects and move and resize (free transform using Ctrl+T) and so on.
The problem (or maybe it is intentional) with CC is now that using this same method ONLY FREE TRANSFORMS (Ctrl+T) shapes/paths and not the other layers even including text layers.
So let me say this a different way so that I am not misunderstood again:
I select the Type tool.
I press Ctrl (Type tool becomes move tool...the black arrow) and drag and select a bunch of objects and layers.SO far so good.
I can move all these objects as I keep Ctrl pressed down. Still good..still following me?
Now I press Ctrl+T (Free Transform).
The box comes up around all the objects.
I begin to resize and only SHAPES AND PATHS are affected during the resize. EVERYTHING ELSE remains untouched...EVEN TEXT LAYERS.
Perhaps this is intentionial in CC. Perhaps there is a setting I am not aware of. Or maybe it is a bug. Either way I would like some kind of answer from someone that knows what is going on.
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First: my apologies for the snarky comment yesterday.
I just tried exactly what you described above, including Smart Objects, Shape layers, layers with both vector and/or soft masks, type with effects/masks, etc.... and it all scales, perspective skews, rotates and/or Free Transforms correctly, both with all, individual, or incontinuous layers selected.
Also, when typing, I can hold down the Cmd key and dynamically scale, skew, rotate, free transform the type... and go back to typing.
This is PS CC 14 on a Mac 10.8.4.
NOTE: when doing alot of this type of compositing, for example with web layouts, I recommend making sure that "Show Transform Controls" is checked in the upper left side of the application bar, accessed when the move tool is active (V).
The above helps... but I don't think it's the reason for your problems with the Ctl key. Possibly another program or plugin is taking over it's function?
Message was edited by: DocPixel-BMW
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When you say paths, do you mean you have a path(s) selected in the paths panel that are not part of shape layers or vector masks?
Does the Type Tool with Ctrl key work if you deselect the paths in the paths panel that are not part of shape layers or vector masks?
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Paths in Path Panel: I could be wrong here, but I don't think you ever could choose a path in the path panel, and another layer, text or otherwise, and transform them together. Just tried with PS CC and CS6, and no... doesn't work. Stands to reason because a path in the path panel is not a part of the layer structure until it is used as a vector mask or shape layer. So how could you select "all layers" and transform them?
Aha! Type Tool works with Ctrl key whether a path is selected or not in CS6. HOWEVER, in PS CC using the Ctrl key does NOT make the bounding box appear in able to free transform the text.
So.... you just might have found a bug.
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See I'm not crazy. haha
When I say paths, I am referring to shape layers and vector masks as regular layers. As DocPixel found out, pressing Ctrl allows you to drag and select layers and resize them using free transform. However in CC when you do this, it does not seem to affect the shape layers. Everything else gets resized but not the shapes...even though they are selected and I can move them around with all the other selected objects. Problem is using free transform when all selected.
Hoepfully this gets updated in the next round.
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@ Fredtat - I'm sorry, but you misunderstood me.
ALL Shape layers and vector masks applied to any layer, be it text, pixel or shape works perfectly fine.
Choosing a text layer from the Layers Panel (obviously) and at the same time having a singular path from the Path Panel selected... does result in not being able to see the Bounding Box to Free Transform the Text Layer.
To be honest, it is a trivial thing, considering that there is no reason to have the path selected in the Paths Panel in the first place, unless you're using it as a "lazy guide".
Technically, there is no real good reason for an orphaned path (not belonging to a shape) much longer*. It was mostly used in the past for including clipping paths in EPS and DCS exports. Today it is wise to use the much more useful and flexible Shapes in a layer.
* I do understand that many artists still use them for dynamic painting masks, and that's why they probably should always stay just where the are. However I find stacking and/or grouping Shape layers as dynamic masks far more effective and flexible.
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SIMPLE SOLUTION TO FREE TRANSFORM NOT WORKING ON PATH: un-link the layer (where the path is) to other paths. Try it again. When the layer (where the path is is) "linked" to other layers it wont 'et you select "free transform" from the edit menu or "Control T".
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I have the same issue....OMG this is infuriating!
AND it seems to work only even copies the segment I've already copied when I CTRL V...uhh?
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i am literally
=pulling my hair out over this issue... why the hell would they change how this works?!?!?!?!
15+ years of experience... 2 minute job??? NOPE spend an hour looking at why your experience is irrelevant!!!@ FU ADOBE
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Hello, folks, I would recommend to post at https// and that all affected users vote and explain all the steps That caused it.
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I’m trying to make a business card mockup, and Photoshop won’t let me free transform the smart object once a layer mask has been applied. Only the layer mask will respond and be transformed. Why is this happening??
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Same for me. It seems to have broken in the past couple days.
I can select just the text layers, command + T, and move them all...
and I can select all my shape layers, command + T, and move them all...
but I cannot select both my text and shape layers, command + T, and move them.
Only the shape laters become active.
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